Package io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common
See: Description
Class Summary Class Description ActionBarConfiguration Configuration of the buttons available in the action bar. CameraConfiguration Configuration of the camera settings to be used while scanning. CameraPermissionScreen Configuration of the camera permission request view. Palette Value palette describing the colors of the scanner screens. StyledText Configuration of the text field appearance. IconStyle Configuration of the icon appearance. IconButton Configuration of the icon appearance on a button. PolygonStyle Configuration of the polygon appearance. BackgroundStyle Configuration of the background appearance for buttons and hints. ForegroundStyle Configuration of the appearance for foreground elements (e.g. AspectRatio Configuration of the finder's aspect ratio. BadgeStyle Configuration of the badge. RoundButton Configuration of the round button. BadgedButton Configuration of the button with a badge. ButtonConfiguration Configuration of the button. PopupMenuItem Configuration for the popup menu items. BarButtonConfiguration Configuration of the button located on a bar. Sound Configuration for the sound. Vibration Configure the vibration. Timeouts Configuration of timeouts. ScanbotAlertDialog Configuration of the the standard alert dialog. TopBarConfiguration Configuration of the top bar's appearance. UserGuidanceConfiguration Configuration of the hint guiding users through the scanning process. IconUserGuidanceConfiguration Configuration of the hint (containing an icon) guiding users through the scanning process. ViewFinderConfiguration Configuration of the scanning interface's viewfinder, serving as guidance to the user. FinderStyle The visual appearance of the viewfinder. FinderCorneredStyle A variant of the viewfinder displaying only the four corners of the scanning area. FinderStrokedStyle A variant of the viewfinder displaying a full outline of the scanning area. ScanbotColor -
Enum Summary Enum Description CameraModule Determines which camera module to use on start-up. OrientationLockMode Configure the orientation of the interface. CameraPreviewMode Configuration of the camera preview mode. SoundType Determines the successful detection sound. NavigationBarMode The visual mode used for the navigation bar icons. StatusBarMode The visual mode used for the status bar icons. TopBarMode The visual mode used for the top bar.