Package io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
See: Description
Enum Summary Enum Description JsonBarcodeDocumentFormat Barcode document format JsonBarcodeFormat Barcode document format JsonBarcodesExtensionFilter A filter for extended EAN and UPC barcodes. JsonCameraModule Camera module to use JsonMSIPlesseyChecksumAlgorithm MSI plessey checksum algorithm JsonAustraliaPostCustomerFormat The customer format used in AUSTRALIA_POST codes. JsonEngineMode Barcode scanner engine mode JsonOrientationLockMode Applied interface orientation JsonCameraPreviewMode Represents camera preview modes JsonBarcodeImageGenerationType Defines the possible barcode image sources. JsonBarcodeOverlayTextFormat Barcode scanner engine mode JsonGs1HandlingMode GS1 handling mode JsonBlurEffect The blur effect style. JsonDocumentDetectorMode Mode for document detection. JsonBarcodeDialogFormat The barcode text format dialog. JsonImageFilterType The image filter types. JsonCapturePhotoQualityPrioritization The prioritization of still image quality and capturing speed. JsonPageSize The page size of the pdf document. JsonPageDirection The page orientation of the pdf document. JsonOcrEngine The page orientation of the pdf document. -
Class Summary Class Description JsonAspectRatio Finder aspect ratio JsonSize Standard size object JsonSelectionOverlayConfiguration Barcode Selection Overlay configuration JsonConfirmationDialogConfiguration Confirmation Dialog configuration JsonFont The font name and size. JsonZoomRange Defines a range for zooming JsonDialogStyle Configuration for the dialog/alert style JsonDialogButtonStyle Configuration for the dialogs/alerts OK button style. JsonColor JSON-compatible class for Color CommonExtensionsKt JsonColorKt -
Object Summary Object Description GsonHelper Helper to prepare a GSON object able to process the JSON configuration string.