Namespace ScanbotSDK.MAUI.Barcode
- ArOverlayFindAndPickConfiguration
Configuration of the AR overlay.
- ArOverlayGeneralConfiguration
Configuration of the AR overlay displayed on top of barcodes in the camera preview.
- ArOverlayPolygonConfiguration
Configuration of the overlay polygon displayed on top of a barcode in the camera preview.
- AustraliaPostCustomerFormatConverter
The customer format used in AUSTRALIA_POST codes. Only relevant for format codes 59 and 62.
- BarcodeDetectionConfiguration
- BarcodeDocumentFormatConverter
Type of barcode document format used.
- BarcodeFormatConverter
Barcode symbology used.
- BarcodeInfoMapping
Configuration of the barcode data mapping.
- BarcodeItem
Data about the scanned barcode.
- BarcodeItemConfiguration
Configuration of the barcode info box displayed in the camera preview.
- BarcodeItemErrorState
Configuration of the the mapper's error dialog.
- BarcodeItemInfoPositionConverter
Where to display the barcode info box in the camera preview.
- BarcodeMappedData
Format of the mapped barcode data.
- BarcodeRecognizerConfiguration
Configuration of the scanning behavior.
- BarcodeScannerConfiguration
Configuration of the barcode scanner screen.
- BarcodeScannerResult
Results of the barcode scan.
- BarcodeTextLocalization
Configuration of the all strings for barcode scanner.
- BarcodeUseCase
Configuration of the barcode scanner screen's behavior.
- BarcodesExtensionFilterConverter
Filter for extended EAN and UPC barcodes.
- CollapsedVisibleHeightConverter
Configuration of the barcodes result sheet's height while collapsed.
- ExpectedBarcode
Configuration of the barcode to find and scan.
- FindAndPickArOverlayPolygonConfiguration
Configuration of the overlay polygon displayed on top of a barcode in the camera preview.
- FindAndPickBadgeConfiguration
Configuration of the round badge on find and pick ar layer.
- FindAndPickScanningMode
Configuration of the Find and Pick barcode scanning mode.
- Gs1HandlingConverter
GS1_COMPOSITE barcode type handling
- MSIPlesseyChecksumAlgorithmConverter
Type of MSI plessey checksum algorithm used.
- ManualCountEditDialog
Configuration of the dialog to manually edit the barcode count.
- MultipleBarcodesScanningModeConverter
Configuration of the mode used for scanning multiple barcodes.
- MultipleScanningMode
Configuration of the mode for scanning multiple barcodes.
- Sheet
Configuration of the preview mode for scanning multiple barcodes.
- SheetContent
Configuration of the list containing the barcodes that have already been scanned.
- SheetModeConverter
Configuration of the barcode result sheet's default visibility state.
- SingleScanningMode
Configuration of the single barcode scanning mode.
- SwipeToDelete
Configuration of the swipe-to-delete button.
- IBarcodeDetector
This class is reponsible to detect barcodes on image files and returns the barcode.
- IBarcodeScanner
Barcode Scanning service provides us functions to scan single and multiple barcodes.