Namespace ScanbotSDK.MAUI.Document
- AcknowledgementBottomBar
Configuration of the bottom bar for the acknowledgement screen.
- AcknowledgementModeConverter
Determines, after each page is snapped, whether the acknowledgment screen should be displayed or not.
- AcknowledgementScreenConfiguration
Configuration of the acknowledgement screen.
- CameraBottomBar
Configuration of the bottom bar for the camera screen.
- CameraScreenConfiguration
Configuration of the screen for scanning the pages with the camera.
- CaptureFeedback
Configuration of the feedback shown after snapping a page.
- CapturePhotoQualityPrioritizationConverter
Determines the prioritization of still image quality and capturing speed.
- CheckIntroImage
The image for the introduction screen with a check template.
- CreditCardIntroImage
The image for the introduction screen with a credit card template.
- CroppingAppearanceConfiguration
Configuration of the general appearance for the cropping screen.
- CroppingBottomBar
Configuration of the bottom bar for the cropping screen.
- CroppingConfiguration
Configuration of the standalone cropping screen.
- CroppingResult
Configuration of the cropping result.
- CroppingScreenConfiguration
Configuration of the screen for cropping the scanned pages.
- CroppingTextLocalization
Configuration of all the strings for the standalone cropping screen.
- CustomImage
A custom image for the introduction screen.
- DocumentAnalysisModeConverter
Determines if the quality analysis for the acknowledgement mode will run on the filtered or the unfiltered image.
- DocumentDetectionResult
Native Document detection result.
- DocumentFlowAppearanceConfiguration
Configuration of the general appearance.
- DocumentIntroImage
The image for the introduction screen with a document template.
- DocumentPolygonConfiguration
Configuration of the document contour detection polygon.
- DocumentScannerCameraConfiguration
Configuration of the camera behavior.
- DocumentScannerOutputSettings
Configuration of the output settings.
- DocumentScannerScreens
Configuration of the document scanner sub-screens.
- DocumentScannerTextLocalization
Configuration of all the strings for the standalone cropping screen.
- DocumentScannerUserGuidance
Configuration of the hints guiding users through the scanning process.
- DocumentScanningFlow
Configuration of the document scanner screen.
- IdCardIntroImage
The image for the introduction screen with an ID card template.
- IntroImage
Determines the image for the introduction screen.
- IntroListEntry
An entry in the list of scanning steps of the introduction screen.
- IntroductionScreenConfiguration
Configuration of the introduction screen for the document scanner.
- MedicalCertificateIntroImage
The image for the introduction screen with a medical certificate template.
- NoButtonMode
Configuration of the 'preview' button in 'no button mode'.
- NoIntroImage
No image for the introduction screen.
- PagePreviewMode
Configuration of the 'preview' button in 'page preview mode'.
- PageSnapCheckMarkAnimation
Configuration of the check mark animation.
- PageSnapFeedbackMode
The type of animation to display after snapping a page.
- PageSnapFeedbackNone
To not use a snap animation.
- PageSnapFunnelAnimation
Configuration of the funnel animation.
- PreviewButton
Configuration of the 'preview' button.
- ReceiptsIntroImage
The image for the introduction screen with a receipt template.
- ReorderPagesScreenConfiguration
Configuration of the screen for reordering the scanned pages.
- ReviewBottomBarConfiguration
Configuration of the bottom bar for the review screen.
- ReviewMorePopupMenu
Configuration of the 'more' popup menu for the review screen.
- ReviewScreenConfiguration
Configuration of the screen for reviewing the scanned pages.
- ScanAssistanceOverlay
Configuration of the scan assistance overlay.
- ShutterButton
Configuration of the 'shutter' button.
- TextButtonMode
Configuration of the 'preview' button in 'text button mode'.
- UserGuidanceStates
Configure the titles of the user guidance hints for different states.
- UserGuidanceVisibilityConverter
Determines the visibility mode for the document capturing user guidance labels.
- ZoomOverlay
Configuration of the zoom overlay for the review screen.
- DocumentDetectionStatus
SDK abstract Document Detection Status.
- PDFPageSize
Specifies the desired page size (media box size) for PDF rendering operations.