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JAPAN_POST - enum entry in io.scanbot.barcodescanner.model.BarcodeType
JAPAN_POST - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.entity.BarcodeFormat

Japan Post Four-State Barcode

JAPAN_POST - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonBarcodeFormat

Japan Post Four-State Barcode

JAPAN_POST - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.configuration.BarcodeFormat

Japan Post Four-State Barcode

JAV - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.entity.Language
JpegComposer - class in io.scanbot.sdk.docprocessing.compose
JPG - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.configuration.json.JsonStorageImageFormat

JPG image format

JPG - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.persistence.CameraImageFormat
JPN - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.entity.Language
JsonAspectRatio - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
Finder aspect ratio
JsonAustraliaPostCustomerFormat - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
The customer format used in AUSTRALIA_POST codes.
JsonBarcodeDialogFormat - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
The barcode text format dialog.
JsonBarcodeDocumentFormat - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
Barcode document format
JsonBarcodeFormat - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
Barcode document format
JsonBarcodeImageGenerationType - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
Defines the possible barcode image sources.
JsonBarcodeOverlayTextFormat - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
Barcode scanner engine mode
JsonBarcodesExtensionFilter - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
A filter for extended EAN and UPC barcodes.
JsonBlurEffect - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
The blur effect style.
JsonCameraModule - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
Camera module to use
JsonCameraPreviewMode - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
Represents camera preview modes
JsonCapturePhotoQualityPrioritization - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
The prioritization of still image quality and capturing speed.
JsonCheckStandard - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.check.configuration.json
Supported check standards.
JsonCheckUserGuidanceStrings - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.check.configuration.json
Configuration that helps to override default hint values.
JsonColor - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
JSON-compatible class for Color
JsonColorKt - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
JsonConfigUtilsKt - class in io.scanbot.sdk.util
JsonConfirmationDialogConfiguration - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
Confirmation Dialog configuration
JsonCroppingAccessibilityConfiguration - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.edit.configuration.json
Cropping screen accessibility configuration
JsonDialogButtonStyle - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
Configuration for the dialogs/alerts OK button style.
JsonDialogStyle - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
Configuration for the dialog/alert style
JsonDocumentDetectorMode - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
Mode for document detection.
JsonDocumentScannerAccessibilityConfiguration - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.camera.configuration.json
Document scanner accessibility configuration
JsonDocumentsDisplayConfiguration - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.genericdocument.configuration.json
Field display configuration object
JsonEngineMode - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
Barcode scanner engine mode
JsonFieldDisplayState - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.genericdocument.configuration.json
Field display state in the RTU UI
JsonFieldsDisplayConfiguration - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.genericdocument.configuration.json
Field display configuration object
JsonFileEncryptionMode - class in io.scanbot.sdk.configuration.json
File encryption mode, 'AES128' or 'AES256'.
JsonFinderDocumentScannerAccessibilityConfiguration - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.camera.configuration.json
Finder Document scanner accessibility configuration
JsonFont - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
The font name and size.
JsonGenericDocumentType - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.genericdocument.configuration.json
Supported document types
JsonGs1HandlingMode - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
GS1 handling mode
JsonHealthInsuranceCardCountryType - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.hic.configuration.json
The country types to be used in the acceptedCountries.
JsonHealthInsuranceCardRecognizerParameters - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.hic.configuration.json
The live detection configuration parameters.
JsonImageFilterType - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
The image filter types.
JsonKt - class in io.scanbot.sdk.common
JsonLicensePlateScanStrategy - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.licenseplate.configuration.json
Detector mode, classic (OCR based) or ML (machine learning based) approach.
JsonMedicalCertificateUserGuidanceStrings - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.mc.configuration.json
Configuration for the hint values
JsonMSIPlesseyChecksumAlgorithm - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
MSI plessey checksum algorithm
JsonOcrEngine - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
The page orientation of the pdf document.
JsonOrientationLockMode - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
Applied interface orientation
JsonPageDirection - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
The page orientation of the pdf document.
JsonPageSize - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
The page size of the pdf document.
JsonSelectionOverlayConfiguration - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
Barcode Selection Overlay configuration
JsonSize - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
Standard size object
JsonStorageImageFormat - class in io.scanbot.sdk.configuration.json
Image format
JsonTextDataScannerStep - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.generictext.configuration.json
Configuration for the scanned item
JsonZoomRange - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
Defines a range for zooming
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