Class CustomBinarizationFilter

    • Method Detail

      • getOutputMode

         final OutputMode getOutputMode()

        Output mode of the filter. BINARY will return a black and white image, GRAYSCALE will return an antialiased grayscale image. Default is BINARY

      • setOutputMode

         final Unit setOutputMode(OutputMode outputMode)

        Output mode of the filter. BINARY will return a black and white image, GRAYSCALE will return an antialiased grayscale image. Default is BINARY

      • getDenoise

         final Double getDenoise()

        Value controlling the amount of noise removal. Value between 0 and 1. Too little noise removal may result in a very noisy image, worsening readability. Too much noise removal may result in the degradation of text, again, worsening readability.

        Default is 0.5

      • setDenoise

         final Unit setDenoise(Double denoise)

        Value controlling the amount of noise removal. Value between 0 and 1. Too little noise removal may result in a very noisy image, worsening readability. Too much noise removal may result in the degradation of text, again, worsening readability.

        Default is 0.5

      • getRadius

         final Integer getRadius()

        Filter radius. The bigger the radius, the slower the filter and generally the less noise in the result. The radius is used for both shadows removal and the calculation of local statistics in the main body of the filter. Higher radius usually allows to cope better with regions of light text on dark background. All the values larger than 512 are clamped to 512.

        Default is 32

      • setRadius

         final Unit setRadius(Integer radius)

        Filter radius. The bigger the radius, the slower the filter and generally the less noise in the result. The radius is used for both shadows removal and the calculation of local statistics in the main body of the filter. Higher radius usually allows to cope better with regions of light text on dark background. All the values larger than 512 are clamped to 512.

        Default is 32

      • getPreset

         final BinarizationFilterPreset getPreset()

        Preset of binarization filter parameters that are found to perform well on different types of documents. Default is PRESET_4

      • setPreset

         final Unit setPreset(BinarizationFilterPreset preset)

        Preset of binarization filter parameters that are found to perform well on different types of documents. Default is PRESET_4