Class GrayscaleFilter

    • Constructor Detail

      • GrayscaleFilter

        GrayscaleFilter(JSONObject json)
      • GrayscaleFilter

        GrayscaleFilter(Double borderWidthFraction, Double blackOutliersFraction, Double whiteOutliersFraction)
    • Method Detail

      • getBorderWidthFraction

         final Double getBorderWidthFraction()

        Ignore this fraction of pixels at the edge of the image when calculating statistics. Pixels at the edge of the image typically have poor statistics. Ignoring them and using only the inner pixels when calculating certain statistics can substantially improve the quality of the result. The value must be less than 0.5 but usually good values are between 0 and 0.15.

        Default is 0.06

      • setBorderWidthFraction

         final Unit setBorderWidthFraction(Double borderWidthFraction)

        Ignore this fraction of pixels at the edge of the image when calculating statistics. Pixels at the edge of the image typically have poor statistics. Ignoring them and using only the inner pixels when calculating certain statistics can substantially improve the quality of the result. The value must be less than 0.5 but usually good values are between 0 and 0.15.

        Default is 0.06

      • getBlackOutliersFraction

         final Double getBlackOutliersFraction()

        Clip this fraction of the darkest pixels in operations such as autocontrast. Increasing the range of middle gray levels at the expense of the brightest and darkest levels may improve the overall contrast and quality of the result. Sum of blackOutliersFraction and whiteOutliersFraction must be less than 1 but usually good values for the parameters do not exceed 0.05;

        Default is 0.0

      • setBlackOutliersFraction

         final Unit setBlackOutliersFraction(Double blackOutliersFraction)

        Clip this fraction of the darkest pixels in operations such as autocontrast. Increasing the range of middle gray levels at the expense of the brightest and darkest levels may improve the overall contrast and quality of the result. Sum of blackOutliersFraction and whiteOutliersFraction must be less than 1 but usually good values for the parameters do not exceed 0.05;

        Default is 0.0

      • getWhiteOutliersFraction

         final Double getWhiteOutliersFraction()

        Clip this fraction of the brightest pixels in operations such as autocontrast. Increasing the range of middle gray levels at the expense of the brightest and darkest levels may improve the overall contrast and quality of the result. Sum of blackOutliersFraction and whiteOutliersFraction must be less than 1 but usually good values for the parameters do not exceed 0.05;

        Default is 0.02

      • setWhiteOutliersFraction

         final Unit setWhiteOutliersFraction(Double whiteOutliersFraction)

        Clip this fraction of the brightest pixels in operations such as autocontrast. Increasing the range of middle gray levels at the expense of the brightest and darkest levels may improve the overall contrast and quality of the result. Sum of blackOutliersFraction and whiteOutliersFraction must be less than 1 but usually good values for the parameters do not exceed 0.05;

        Default is 0.02