Interface OpticalCharacterRecognizer

    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • recognizeTextFromUris

         abstract OcrResult recognizeTextFromUris(List<Uri> imageFileUris, Boolean sourceFilesEncrypted)

        Performs OCR only (without PDF result) from Images with provided languages.

        imageFileUris - list of image file URIs
        sourceFilesEncrypted - if true, the image files are encrypted and will be decrypted before OCR
      • recognizeTextFromPages

         abstract OcrResult recognizeTextFromPages(List<Page> pages)

        Performs OCR only (without PDF result) from pages with provided languages.

        pages - list of Page objects.
      • recognizeTextFromBitmap

         abstract OcrResult recognizeTextFromBitmap(Bitmap bitmap)

        Performs OCR only (without PDF result) from the bitmap with provided languages.

        bitmap - the bitmap to perform OCR on
      • recognizeTextWithPdfFromUris

         abstract OcrResult recognizeTextWithPdfFromUris(List<Uri> imageFileUris, Boolean sourceFilesEncrypted, PdfConfig pdfConfig)

        Performs OCR and creates sandwiched OCR PDF file (from given image file URIs) with provided languages.

        imageFileUris - list of image file URIs
        sourceFilesEncrypted - if true, the image files are encrypted and will be decrypted before OCR
        pdfConfig - the PDF configuration
      • recognizeTextWithPdfFromPages

         abstract OcrResult recognizeTextWithPdfFromPages(List<Page> pages, PdfConfig pdfConfig)

        Performs OCR and creates sandwiched OCR PDF file (from given Page objects. Based on the new Page class io.scanbot.sdk.persistence.Page! Use the document image from a Page.) with provided languages.

        pages - list of Page objects.
        pdfConfig - the PDF configuration