
data class ProgressOverlay(var title: StyledText = StyledText( text = "Please wait...", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), var progressIcon: IconStyle = IconStyle( color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), var background: BackgroundStyle = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 0.0 ), var modalOverlayColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorModalOverlay", isArgb = false))

Configuration of the top screen bar's appearance.


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constructor(source: Map<String, Any?>)
constructor(json: JsonObject)
constructor(title: StyledText = StyledText( text = "Please wait...", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), progressIcon: IconStyle = IconStyle( color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), background: BackgroundStyle = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 0.0 ), modalOverlayColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorModalOverlay", isArgb = false))


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object Companion


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Background style of the progress bar sheet.

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Color of the modal overlay. Default is "?sbColorModalOverlay"

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Tint color of the progress icon.

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Appearance of the top bar's title.


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fun toJson(): JsonObject