Interface MedicalCertificateUserGuidanceStrings

Configuration for the hint values

interface MedicalCertificateUserGuidanceStrings {
    capturing: string;
    energySaving: string;
    paused: string;
    processing: string;
    scanning: string;
    startScanning: string;


capturing: string

Text that is shown when the camera snaps the image.

energySaving: string

Text text that is shown when energy saving is active.

paused: string

Text that is shown when the detector is paused. iOS only.

processing: string

Text that is shown when the detector tries to detect the document from the snapped image.

scanning: string

Text text that is shown when the camera is seeking for the document on the visible area, shown after the first result from the detector.

startScanning: string

Text that is shown on camera open.