Interface LicensePlateScannerConfiguration

interface LicensePlateScannerConfiguration {
    cameraModule?: CameraModule;
    cameraOverlayColor?: string;
    cameraPreviewMode?: CameraPreviewMode;
    cancelButtonHidden?: boolean;
    cancelButtonTitle?: string;
    confirmationDialogAccentColor?: string;
    confirmationDialogConfirmButtonFilled?: boolean;
    confirmationDialogConfirmButtonFilledTextColor?: string;
    confirmationDialogConfirmButtonStyle?: DialogButtonStyle;
    confirmationDialogConfirmButtonTitle?: string;
    confirmationDialogMessage?: string;
    confirmationDialogRetryButtonStyle?: DialogButtonStyle;
    confirmationDialogRetryButtonTitle?: string;
    confirmationDialogStyle?: DialogStyle;
    confirmationDialogTitle?: string;
    enableCameraButtonTitle?: string;
    enableCameraExplanationText?: string;
    finderLineColor?: string;
    finderLineWidth?: number;
    finderPreferredHeight?: number;
    finderTextHint?: string;
    finderTextHintColor?: string;
    flashButtonHidden?: boolean;
    flashButtonTitle?: string;
    flashEnabled?: boolean;
    maximumNumberOfAccumulatedFrames?: number;
    minNumberOfRequiredFramesWithEqualRecognitionResult?: number;
    orientationLockMode?: OrientationLockMode;
    replaceCancelButtonWithIcon?: boolean;
    scanStrategy?: LicensePlateScanStrategy;
    significantShakeDelay?: number;
    topBarBackgroundColor?: string;
    topBarButtonsActiveColor?: string;
    topBarButtonsInactiveColor?: string;
    touchToFocusEnabled?: boolean;
    useButtonsAllCaps?: boolean;


cameraModule?: CameraModule

The preferred camera module (default - BACK)

cameraOverlayColor?: string

Background color outside of the finder window.

cameraPreviewMode?: CameraPreviewMode

Preview mode of the camera. FILL_IN or FIT_IN. Default is FILL_IN. Android only

cancelButtonHidden?: boolean

Whether the cancel button is hidden or not. iOS only.

cancelButtonTitle?: string

Title of the cancel button.

confirmationDialogAccentColor?: string

The accent color of buttons on a confirmation dialog. Android only.

confirmationDialogConfirmButtonFilled?: boolean

Allows to set if the confirm button should be filled. Defaults to TRUE. Android only.

confirmationDialogConfirmButtonFilledTextColor?: string

Allows to set a text color of the filled button. See confirmationDialogConfirmButtonFilled. Android only.

confirmationDialogConfirmButtonStyle?: DialogButtonStyle

The style of the confirmation dialogs confirm button. iOS Only.

confirmationDialogConfirmButtonTitle?: string

The title of the confirmation dialog retry button.

confirmationDialogMessage?: string

The message text of the confirmation dialog.

confirmationDialogRetryButtonStyle?: DialogButtonStyle

The style of the confirmation dialogs retry button. iOS Only.

confirmationDialogRetryButtonTitle?: string

The title of the confirmation dialog confirm button.

confirmationDialogStyle?: DialogStyle

The style of the confirmation dialog. iOS Only.

confirmationDialogTitle?: string

The title of the confirmation dialog.

enableCameraButtonTitle?: string

Title of the button that opens the screen where the user can allow the usage of the camera by the app.

enableCameraExplanationText?: string

Text that will be displayed when the app is not allowed to use the camera, prompting the user to enable the usage of the camera.

finderLineColor?: string

Foreground color of the detection overlay.

finderLineWidth?: number

Width of finder frame border. Default is 2.

finderPreferredHeight?: number

The preferred height of the view finder. Defaults to 150.0. iOS only.

finderTextHint?: string

User guidance text below the finder view

finderTextHintColor?: string

Foreground color of the description label.

flashButtonHidden?: boolean

Controls whether the flash toggle button is hidden or not. iOS only.

flashButtonTitle?: string

Title of the flash toggle button. iOS only.

flashEnabled?: boolean

Controls whether the flash should be initially enabled. The default value is FALSE.

maximumNumberOfAccumulatedFrames?: number

Maximum number of accumulated frames to inspect before actual result is returned

minNumberOfRequiredFramesWithEqualRecognitionResult?: number

Minimum number of accumulated frames that have equal result

orientationLockMode?: OrientationLockMode

UI Interface orientation lock mode

replaceCancelButtonWithIcon?: boolean

If true, replaces the cancel button in the top bar with a back arrow icon. The default value is FALSE. Android only.

Detector mode, classic (OCR based) or ML (machine learning based) approach.

significantShakeDelay?: number

Threshold used to pause the detection after significant movement occurred. -1 is default value. Default = 0 for textFilterStrategy='DOCUMENT' and 1000 for textFilterStrategy='LCD_DOT_MATRIX_DISPLAY'. Android only.

topBarBackgroundColor?: string

The background color of the top toolbar.

topBarButtonsActiveColor?: string

The color of all active toggle buttons in the toolbar.

topBarButtonsInactiveColor?: string

The color of all inactive toggle buttons in the toolbar.

touchToFocusEnabled?: boolean

Whether touch-to-focus is enabled on camera preview. Enabled by default. Android only.

useButtonsAllCaps?: boolean

Controls whether buttons should use all capitals style, as defined by the Android Material Design. Defaults to TRUE. Android only.