Interface ScanbotDocumentScannerViewProperties

interface ScanbotDocumentScannerViewProperties {
    acceptedAngleScore?: number;
    acceptedBrightnessThreshold?: number;
    acceptedSizeScore?: number;
    autoSnappingDelay?: number;
    autoSnappingEnabled?: boolean;
    autoSnappingSensitivity?: number;
    cameraModule?: CameraModule;
    cameraPreviewMode?: CameraPreviewMode;
    finderAspectRatio?: AspectRatio;
    finderCornerRadius?: number;
    finderEnabled?: boolean;
    finderLineColor?: ColorValue;
    finderLineWidth?: number;
    finderMinimumPadding?: number;
    finderOverlayColor?: ColorValue;
    flashEnabled?: boolean;
    ignoreBadAspectRatio?: boolean;
    onDetectionResult?: ((result) => void);
    onDocumentScannerResult: ((result) => void);
    photoQualityPrioritization?: CapturePhotoQualityPrioritization;
    polygonAutoSnapProgressColor?: ColorValue;
    polygonAutoSnapProgressEnabled?: boolean;
    polygonAutoSnapProgressLineWidth?: number;
    polygonBackgroundColor?: ColorValue;
    polygonBackgroundColorOK?: ColorValue;
    polygonColor?: ColorValue;
    polygonColorOK?: ColorValue;
    polygonCornerRadius?: number;
    polygonEnabled?: boolean;
    polygonLineWidth?: number;
    requiredAspectRatios?: AspectRatio[];
    style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
    touchToFocusEnabled?: boolean;


acceptedAngleScore?: number

The minimum score in percent (0 - 100) of the perspective distortion to accept a detected document. Default is 75.0

acceptedBrightnessThreshold?: number

The brightness threshold to accept a detected document in the range of 0 (very dark) to 255 (very bright). If the average brightness value of the detectors input image is below this value, the status of the detection will be set to ERROR_TOO_DARK. Default is 50.0

acceptedSizeScore?: number

The minimum document width or height in percent (0 - 100) of the screen size to accept a detected document. Default is 80.0

autoSnappingDelay?: number

The minimum delay in seconds between two consecutive automatic image captures. iOS only. Default is 1.0

autoSnappingEnabled?: boolean

When auto-snapping is enabled the document scanner will take a photo automatically when a document is detected, conditions are good and the auto-snapping time-out elapses. In this mode the user can still tap the shutter button to snap a document. Default is true

autoSnappingSensitivity?: number

Controls the auto-snapping speed. Sensitivity must be within the 0..1 range. A value of 1.0 triggers automatic capturing immediately, a value of 0.0 delays the automatic by 3 seconds. Default is 0.66

cameraModule?: CameraModule

The preferred camera module. Default is BACK

cameraPreviewMode?: CameraPreviewMode

Preview mode of the camera. Fit-In or Fill-In. Default is FILL_IN

finderAspectRatio?: AspectRatio

Aspect ratio of the finder frame (width to height), which is used to build the actual finder frame.

finderCornerRadius?: number

Radius of the viewfinder's corners. iOS only. Default is 10.0

finderEnabled?: boolean

Whether the viewfinder is visible. Default is false

finderLineColor?: ColorValue

Foreground color of the detection overlay. Default is "#FFFFFF"

finderLineWidth?: number

Width of finder frame border. Default is 2

finderMinimumPadding?: number

Determines the finder padding. Default is 20.0

finderOverlayColor?: ColorValue

Background color outside of the finder window. Default is "#000000CC"

flashEnabled?: boolean

Controls whether the flash should be initially enabled. Default is false

ignoreBadAspectRatio?: boolean

Sets whether to ignore the OK_BUT_BAD_ASPECT_RATIO detection status. Default is false

onDetectionResult?: ((result) => void)

The detection status of the Document Scanner

Type declaration

onDocumentScannerResult: ((result) => void)

Detected document image as base64 result

Type declaration

    • (result): void
    • Parameters

      • result: string

      Returns void

photoQualityPrioritization?: CapturePhotoQualityPrioritization

The prioritization of still image quality and capturing speed. If you experience lots of blurry still images try to set this property to CapturePhotoQualityPrioritization.QUALITY. Note: It has no effect on devices prior to iOS 13.0!. Default is BALANCED

polygonAutoSnapProgressColor?: ColorValue

Stroke color of polygon auto snap progress animation. Default is "#87F2DE"

polygonAutoSnapProgressEnabled?: boolean

Whether polygon auto snap progress animation is enabled or not. Default is true

polygonAutoSnapProgressLineWidth?: number

Line width of polygon auto snap progress animation. Default is 5.0

polygonBackgroundColor?: ColorValue

The background color of the detected document outline when the document's angle, size or aspect ratio is not yet sufficiently good. Default is "#FFFFFF00"

polygonBackgroundColorOK?: ColorValue

The background color of the detected document outline when we are ready to snap OK. Default is "#FFFFFF00"

polygonColor?: ColorValue

The color of the detected document outline when the document's angle, size or aspect ratio is not yet sufficiently good. Default is "#FF00004D"

polygonColorOK?: ColorValue

The color of the detected document outline when we are ready to snap OK. Default is "#00CEA6"

polygonCornerRadius?: number

The radius to use when drawing rounded corners of the polygon. Default is 8.0

polygonEnabled?: boolean

Whether to display the document's polygon. Default is true

polygonLineWidth?: number

Width of the detected document outline. Default is 3

requiredAspectRatios?: AspectRatio[]

An optional array of aspect ratios the documents have to conform to.

style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>
touchToFocusEnabled?: boolean

Whether touch-to-focus is enabled on camera preview. Android only. Default is true