Data element ID "DAK". Postal code portion of the cardholder address in the U.S. and Canada. If the trailing portion of the postal code in the U.S. is not known, zeros will be used to fill the trailing set of numbers up to nine (9) digits.
Data element ID "DCF". Number must uniquely identify a particular document issued to that customer from others that may have been issued in the past. This number may serve multiple purposes of document discrimination, audit information number, and/or inventory control.
Data element ID "DAT". Any endorsements on a driver license which authorize the operation of specified types of vehicles or the operation of vehicles carrying specified loads. Endorsements shall be specific to classification of a driver license.
Data element ID "DAA". Name of the individual holding the Driver License or ID as defined in ANSI D20 Data Dictionary. (Lastname@Firstname@MI@ suffix if any) (Machine, Mag Stripe uses ‘$’ and Bar Code uses ‘,’ in place of ‘@’) Firstname, Middle Initial, Lastname (Human)
Data element ID "DCD". Jurisdiction-specific codes that represent additional privileges granted to the cardholder beyond the vehicle class (such as transportation of passengers, hazardous materials, operation of motorcycles, etc.).
Data element ID "DCU". Name Suffix (If jurisdiction participates in systems requiring name suffix (PDPS, CDLIS, etc.), the suffix must be collected and displayed on the DL/ID and in the MRT). Collect full name for record, print as many characters as possible on portrait side of DL/ID. JR (Junior), SR (Senior), 1ST or I (First), 2ND or II (Second), 3RD or III (Third), 4TH or IV (Fourth), 5TH or V (Fifth), 6TH or VI (Sixth), 7TH or VII (Seventh), 8TH or VIII (Eighth), 9TH or IX (Ninth).
Data element ID "DCE". Indicates the approximate weight range of the cardholder: 0 = up to 31 kg (up to 70 lbs), 1 = 32 – 45 kg (71 – 100 lbs), 2 = 46 - 59 kg (101 – 130 lbs), 3 = 60 - 70 kg (131 – 160 lbs), 4 = 71 - 86 kg (161 – 190 lbs), 5 = 87 - 100 kg (191 – 220 lbs), 6 = 101 - 113 kg (221 – 250 lbs), 7 = 114 - 127 kg (251 – 280 lbs), 8 = 128 – 145 kg (281 – 320 lbs), 9 = 146+ kg (321+ lbs).
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ID Card. File type "ID".