Motor Carrier Data. File type "MC".



  • get carrierName(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "MAA". The name of the carrier responsible for safety. This can be an individual, partnership or corporation responsible for the transportation of persons or property. This is the name that is recognized by law.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get city(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "MAL". This is the city for the mailing address of the individual carrier. This information is utilized by the base jurisdiction to send information to the carrier that purchased the IRP credentials.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get jurisdiction(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "MAI". This is the jurisdiction of the residential address of the individual carrier. This information is utilized by the base jurisdiction to send information to the carrier that purchased the IRP credentials.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get streetAddress(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "MAK". This is the mailing address of the individual carrier. This information is utilized by the base jurisdiction to send information to the carrier that purchased the IRP credentials.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get usdotNumber(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "MAN". A unique identifier assigned to the carrier responsible for safety issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation – Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get zip(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "MAO". The ZIP or Postal code of the resident address of the vehicle owner.

    Returns UIConfig.Field


  • Returns string

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