Title Data. File type "TD".



  • get addressJurisdictionCode(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "NAU". Jurisdiction portion of the owner’s address.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get addressZipCode(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "NAV". The ZIP code or Postal code portion of the owner’s address.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get familyName(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "NAA". Family name (commonly called surname or last name) of the owner of the vehicle.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get firstLienHolderId(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "LAF". A code that uniquely identifies the first holder of a lien.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get firstLienHolderName(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "LAA". Name of the first lien holder of the vehicle.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get givenName(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "NAE". Given name or names (includes all of what are commonly referred to as first and middle names) of the owner of the vehicle.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get newUsedIndicator(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "TAW". This code represents whether the vehicle/vessel is new or used. Note: jurisdictions’ definitions of these classifications may vary a little due to state regulations on demo vehicles, slates between dealers, application of state taxes, etc. N = New, U = Used.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get odometerDate(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "TAH". The date the odometer reading was recorded by the jurisdiction.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get odometerDisclosure(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "TAG". This is the federal odometer mileage disclosure. The mandatory information is: (1) Actual vehicle mileage; (2) Mileage exceeds mechanical limitations; (3) Not actual mileage; (4) Mileage disclosure not required.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get odometerReadingKilometers(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "TAI". This is the odometer reading registered with the DMV either at the time of titling or registration renewal in kilometers.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get odometerReadingMileage(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "TAF". This is the odometer reading registered with the DMV either at the time of titling or registration renewal.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get previousTitleNumber(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "TAZ". The title number assigned to the vehicle by the previous titling jurisdiction.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get previousTitlingJurisdiction(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "TPJ". The code for the jurisdiction (U.S., Canadian, or Mexican) that titled the vehicle immediately prior to the current titling jurisdiction.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get titleBrand(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "TAY". Code providing information about the brand applied to the title.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get titleIssueDate(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "TAV". The date the jurisdiction’s titling authority issued a title to the owner of the vehicle. The format is CCYYMMDD.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get titleNumber(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "TAA". The date the jurisdiction’s titling authority issued a title to the owner of the vehicle. The format is CCYYMMDD.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get titlingJurisdiction(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "TAC". A unique set of alphanumeric characters assigned by the titling jurisdiction to the certificate of title of a vehicle.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get vehicleBodyStyle(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "VAO". The general configuration or shape of a vehicle distinguished by characteristics such as number of doors, seats, windows, roofline, and type of top. The vehicle body type is 2-character alphanumeric.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get vehicleColor(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "VBD". Where the vehicle/vessel is one color, this is the appropriate code describing that color. When the vehicle is two colors, this is the code for the top-most or front-most color.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get vehicleIdentificationNumber(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "VAD". A unique combination of alphanumeric characters that identifies a specific vehicle or component. The VIN is affixed to the vehicle in specific locations and formulated by the manufacturer. State agencies under some controlled instances may assign a VIN to a vehicle.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get vehicleMake(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "VAK". The distinctive (coded) name applied to a group of vehicles by a manufacturer.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get vehicleModel(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "VAM". A code denoting a family of vehicles (within a make), which has a degree of similarity in construction, such as body, chassis, etc. The field does not necessarily contain a standard code; it may contain a value provided by the originator of the field.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get vehicleModelYear(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "VAL". The year that is assigned to a vehicle by the manufacturer. The format is CCYY.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get vehiclePurchaseDate(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "TAU". The date a vehicle was purchased by the current owner. The format is ISO8601 with delimiters.

    Returns UIConfig.Field


  • Returns string

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