Vehicle Owner Data. File type "OW".



  • get firstOwnerIdNumber(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "NAX". The unique customer number/ID of the first vehicle owner.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get firstOwnerLastName(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "NAB". Last Name or Surname of the Owner. Hyphenated names acceptable, spaces between names acceptable, but no other use of special symbols.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get firstOwnerLegalStatus(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "NBA". The legal status of the first vehicle owner. This is only used when a vehicle has multiple owners. A legal status may be ("AND", "OR").

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get firstOwnerMiddleName(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "NAD". Middle Name(s) or Initial(s) of the Owner. Hyphenated names acceptable, spaces, between names acceptable, but no other use of special symbols.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get firstOwnerName(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "NAC". First Name or Given Name of the Owner. Hyphenated names acceptable, but no other use of special symbols.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get firstOwnerTotalName(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "NAA". Name of the (or one of the) individual(s) who owns the Vehicle as defined in the ANSI D- 20 Data Element Dictionary. (Lastname@Firstname@MI@Suffix if any.)

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get mailingJurisdictionCode(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "NAU". Jurisdiction code for mailing address. Conforms to Canadian, Mexican and US jurisdictions as appropriate. Codes for provinces (Canada) and states (US and Mexico).

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get mailingZipCode(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "NAV". The ZIP code or Postal code used for mailing. (As used by Canadian, Mexican and US jurisdictions.)

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get residenceJurisdictionCode(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "NAP". Jurisdiction code for mailing address. Conforms to Canadian, Mexican and US jurisdictions as appropriate. Codes for provinces (Canada) and states (US and Mexico).

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get residenceZipCode(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "NAQ". The ZIP code or Postal code used for mailing. (As used by Canadian, Mexican and US jurisdictions).

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get secondOwnerIdNumber(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "NAY". The unique customer number/ID of the second vehicle owner.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get secondOwnerLastName(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "NAF". Last Name or Surname of the Owner. Hyphenated names acceptable, spaces between names acceptable, but no other use of special symbols.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get secondOwnerLegalStatus(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "NBB". The legal status of the second vehicle owner. This is only used when a vehicle has multiple owners. A legal status may be ("AND", "OR").

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get secondOwnerMiddleName(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "NAH". Middle Name(s) or Initial(s) of the Owner. Hyphenated names acceptable, spaces between names acceptable, but no other use of special symbols.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get secondOwnerName(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "NAG". First Name or Given Name of the Owner. Hyphenated names acceptable, but no other use of special symbols.

    Returns UIConfig.Field

  • get secondOwnerTotalName(): UIConfig.Field
  • Data element ID "NAE". Name of the (or one of the) individual(s) who owns the Vehicle as defined in the ANSI D- 20 Data Element Dictionary. (Lastname@Firstname@MI@Suffix if any.)

    Returns UIConfig.Field


  • Returns string

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