Class BarcodeFormatCode2Of5Configuration

Configuration for all 2-of-5 barcode types (except Interleaved 2-of-5, which is handled by ItfConfig). Add to scanner configuration to scan Code 25, IATA 2-of-5 and Industrial 2-of-5 barcodes.

Industrial 2-of-5 barcodes are a subset of Code 25 barcodes. Any valid Industrial 2-of-5 barcode is also a valid Code 25 barcode.




_type: "BarcodeFormatCode2Of5Configuration"
addAdditionalQuietZone: boolean

If true, we process the barcode scanning with an artificial quiet zone that we add to the input image. This flag should be used to scan sharp crops of a barcode in single-shot mode.

Default Value

code25: boolean

If true, scan and return Code 25 (Code 2-of-5) barcodes. If industrial2of5 is also true, then valid Industrial 2-of-5 barcodes will preferentially be returned as such, instead of Code 25.

Default Value

iata2of5: boolean

If true, scan IATA 2-of-5 barcodes. If useIATA2OF5Checksum is true, only barcodes with a valid checksum are returned.

Default Value

industrial2of5: boolean

If true, scan and return valid Industrial 2-of-5 barcodes. If false, but code25 is true, Industrial 2-of-5 barcodes will be returned as Code 25 barcodes.

Default Value

maximumTextLength: number

Maximum text length. 0 implies no maximum. Applied only to linear barcode formats that allow variable length.

Default Value

minimum1DQuietZoneSize: number

Minimum quiet zone size on the left and right sides of a 1D barcode, measured in number of modules. The quiet zone is only for 1D barcodes with weak start/stop patterns, i.e. Iata2Of5, Industrial2Of5, Code25, Itf, Codabar, MsiPlessey, and Code11.

Default Value

minimumSizeScore: number

Minimum acceptable value of a result BarcodeItem's sizeScore (between 0 and 1). Barcodes with a sizeScore less than this value will not be scanned. When set to 0, barcodes are returned no matter what their size is.

Default Value

minimumTextLength: number

Minimum text length. Applied only to linear barcode formats that allow variable length.

Default Value

regexFilter: string

Regular expression filter for barcode text. If the barcode text does not match the regular expression, it will not be scanned. The default is an empty string (setting is turned off).

Default Value

stripCheckDigits: boolean

If true, the check digits are stripped from the result.

Default Value

useIATA2OF5Checksum: boolean

If true, return IATA_2_OF_5 barcodes only if they have a valid check digit.

Default Value


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