Class DocumentScannerParameters

Parameters for the document scanner.




acceptedAngleScore: number

The minimum score in percent (0 - 100) of the perspective distortion to accept a detected document. Set lower values to accept more perspective distortion.

Warning: Lower values result in more blurred document images.

Default Value

acceptedAspectRatioScore: number

The minimum score in percent (0 - 100) that the aspect ratio of the document must match one of the required aspect ratios (if any) to accept a detected document. If acceptedAspectRatioScore is more than 0, then the document is only accepted if the aspect ratio matches one of the given aspect ratios (if any), otherwise OK_BUT_BAD_ASPECT_RATIO is returned.

Default Value

acceptedBrightnessThreshold: number

The minimum brightness value (0-255) to accept a detected document.

Default Value

acceptedSizeScore: number

The minimum size in percent (0 - 100) of the screen size to accept a detected document. It is sufficient that height or width match the score.

Warning: Lower values result in low resolution document images.

Default Value

aspectRatios: AspectRatio[]

The possible desired aspect ratios for the detected document. A document matches if its aspect ratio matches any of the given aspect ratios. If acceptedAspectRatioScore is more than 0, then the document is only accepted if the aspect ratio matches one of the given aspect ratios, otherwise OK_BUT_BAD_ASPECT_RATIO is returned. If empty, no aspect ratio is preferred.

Default Value

ignoreOrientationMismatch: boolean

If false, the document scanner will return OK_BUT_ORIENTATION_MISMATCH if the detected document orientation does not match the input image orientation, e.g. if the document is detected as landscape but the input image is portrait. If true, the document scanner will ignore orientation mismatches.

Default Value

isLive: boolean

If true, the document scanner will return only the best document contour. If false, the document scanner will additionally return alternative document contours suitable for the cropping screen.

Default Value


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