source: DeepPartial<MedicalCertificateScanningParameters>If true, cropped document image will be extracted and returned.
If true, the image is sharpened before processing.
Some forms are printed with an extra barcode that encodes the same information as the document. Reading the barcode is more reliable than OCR and is recommended when possible. If false, the barcode will not be scanned.
All data in the patient info box will be extracted. If false, the patient info box is ignored.
Document will be detected and cropped before recognition. If false, a cropped image of a document is assumed.
Generated using TypeDoc
Parameters for the medical certificate scanning. The scanner supports Form 1 (Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung) and Form 21a (Ärztliche Bescheinigung für den Bezug von Krankengeld bei Erkrankung eines Kindes) from the KBV (Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung) list of forms.