Configuration of the barcode data mapping.


  • PartiallyConstructible
    • BarcodeInfoMapping



barcodeItemMapper: BarcodeItemMapper

Callback to map the barcode data to the data of the corresponding product.

Default Value

dividerColor: string

Color of the divider and separator lines in the barcode info dialog.

Default Value


Configuration of the error state displayed when processing a barcode fails.

Default Value

new BarcodeItemErrorState({});
loadingMessage: StyledText

Text being displayed while a barcode is being mapped.

Default Value

new StyledText({
"text": "Loading message for barcode info mapping.",
"color": "?sbColorPrimary"
modalOverlayColor: string

Background color of the overlay surrounding the barcode mapping error dialog.

Default Value

sheetColor: string

Background color of the barcode info dialog.

Default Value


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