A single barcode found in the input image. Barcodes with the same content but different locations in the image are considered separate barcodes.




dataBarStackSize: number

The number of 1D stacks in the barcode. Applies only to DATABAR and DATABAR_EXPANDED barcodes.

Default Value

extractedDocument: GenericDocument

The parsed known document format (if parsed successfully).

Barcode format.

Default Value

isGS1CompositePart: boolean

True if this result is the 2D part of a GS1 Composite barcode. Can only happen if GS1_COMPOSITE scanning is disabled and a part of the composite (1D) or (2D) is scanned separately. When GS1_COMPOSITE scanning is enabled, parts of the composite barcode are never returned separately, even if their respective format is enabled in the decoding options.

Default Value

isGS1Message: boolean

True if the barcode contains a GS1 message. Requires GS1 handling to be enabled in the decoding option.

Default Value

isUpsideDown: boolean

True if this is a 1D barcode that is printed upside-down, that is, the barcode was scanned right-to-left.

Default Value

quad: Point[]

The four corners of the barcode in the input image, in clockwise order starting from the top left, in image coordinates.

quadNormalized: Point[]

The four corners of the barcode in the input image, in clockwise order starting from the top left, normalized to the range [0, 1].

rawBytes: Uint8Array

Raw bytes of barcode contents. Some formats can contain binary data, which is returned in this field.

sizeScore: number

The size score is a floating point value between 0 and 1 that represents the relative size of the barcode in the input image. Barcodes taking up a small portion of the input image will have a score close to 0, while barcodes that take a large portion will have a score close to 1.

Default Value

sourceImage: RawImage

A crop from the input image containing the barcode.

Default Value

text: string

Text contained in the barcode. Binary data is returned in the rawBytes field only.

upcEanExtension: string

If this is a UPC/EAN barcode that has an EAN-2 or EAN-5 extension, this field contains the extension value. Requires the UPC_EAN_EXTENSION format to be enabled in the decoding options.

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