source: DeepPartial<BarcodeTextLocalization>Cancel button text for the barcode info mapping error state.
Retry button text for the barcode info mapping error state.
Subtitle for the barcode info mapping error state.
"There was an issue and the data requested was not fetched. You could try again or discard this result to start a new scan.";
Title for the barcode info mapping error state.
"Connection Error!";
Loading message for barcode info mapping.
"Loading details...";
Close button text for the camera permission dialog.
Explanation for the camera permission dialog.
"Please allow the usage of the camera to start the scanning process.";
Title for the camera permission dialog.
"Camera permission denied!";
Cancel button text for the find and pick complete alert.
Submit button text for the find and pick complete alert.
Subtitle for the find and pick complete alert.
"You have successfully scanned all codes. Proceed with submission?";
Title for the find and pick complete alert.
"All codes found!";
Cancel button text for the find and pick partial alert.
Submit button text for the find and pick partial alert.
"Yes, Submit";
Subtitle for the find and pick partial alert.
"Some codes are yet to be scanned. Proceed with submission anyway?";
Title for the find and pick partial alert.
"Incomplete scan!";
Subtitle for the find and pick barcode sheet.
"%d/%d added";
Title for the find and pick barcode sheet.
"%d/%d scanned";
Cancel button text for the manual count edit dialog.
Info for the manual count edit dialog.
"Adjust the number of items you scanned.";
Title for the manual count edit dialog.
"Update count";
Update button text for the manual count edit dialog.
Title for the multiple mode barcode sheet.
"%d items";
Clear all button text for the barcode sheet.
"Clear all";
Subtitle for the barcode sheet placeholder.
"The barcode list is currently empty. Close this sheet and scan your items to add them.";
Title for the barcode sheet placeholder.
"No barcodes here!";
Reset button text for the barcode sheet.
Start scanning button text for the barcode sheet.
"Start scanning";
Submit button text for the barcode sheet.
Cancel button text for the single mode confirmation dialog.
Cancel button text for the top bar.
Title for the top bar.
"Scan Item";
User guidance text.
"Move the finder over a barcode";
Generated using TypeDoc
Configuration of the all strings for barcode scanner.