Configuration of the camera permission request view.


  • PartiallyConstructible
    • CameraPermissionScreen



background: string

Background color of the camera permission request.

Default Value

closeButton: ButtonConfiguration

Configuration of the camera permission request's close button.

Default Value

new ButtonConfiguration({
"text": "Close",
"background": new BackgroundStyle({
"strokeColor": "#00000000",
"fillColor": "#00000000",
"strokeWidth": 0.0
"foreground": new ForegroundStyle({
"iconVisible": false,
"color": "?sbColorPrimary",
"useShadow": false
enableCameraExplanation: StyledText

Configuration of the camera permission request's explanatory text.

Default Value

new StyledText({
"text": "Please allow the usage of the camera to start the scanning process.",
"color": "?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant"
enableCameraTitle: StyledText

Configuration of the camera permission request's title.

Default Value

new StyledText({
"text": "Camera permission denied!",
"color": "?sbColorOnSurface"
icon: IconStyle

Configuration of the icon used in the camera permission request.

Default Value

new IconStyle({
"visible": true,
"color": "?sbColorOnSurface"
iconBackground: string

Background color of the icon used in the camera permission request.

Default Value


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