Configuration of the dialog to manually edit the barcode count.


  • PartiallyConstructible
    • ManualCountEditDialog



cancelButton: ButtonConfiguration

Configuration of the edit dialog's cancel button. Hiding both the update and cancel buttons simultaneously is an undefined behavior.

Default Value

new ButtonConfiguration({
"visible": true,
"text": "Cancel",
"background": new BackgroundStyle({
"strokeColor": "#00000000",
"fillColor": "#00000000",
"strokeWidth": 1.0
"foreground": new ForegroundStyle({
"iconVisible": false,
"color": "?sbColorPrimary",
"useShadow": false
clearTextButton: IconStyle

Configuration of the edit dialog's button to clear the entered count number.

Default Value

new IconStyle({
"visible": true,
"color": "?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant"
dividerColor: string

Color of the divider and separator lines in the edit dialog.

Default Value


Configuration of the edit dialog's info text.

Default Value

new StyledText({
"text": "Adjust the number of items you scanned.",
"color": "?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant"
modalOverlayColor: string

Background color of the overlay surrounding the edit dialog.

Default Value

sheetColor: string

Color of the edit dialog's background.

Default Value

title: StyledText

Configuration of the edit dialog's title.

Default Value

new StyledText({
"text": "Update count",
"color": "?sbColorOnSurface"
updateButton: ButtonConfiguration

Configuration of the edit dialog's confirm button. Hiding both the update and cancel buttons simultaneously is an undefined behavior.

Default Value

new ButtonConfiguration({
"visible": true,
"text": "Update",
"background": new BackgroundStyle({
"strokeColor": "?sbColorPrimary",
"fillColor": "?sbColorPrimary",
"strokeWidth": 1.0
"foreground": new ForegroundStyle({
"iconVisible": false,
"color": "?sbColorOnPrimary",
"useShadow": false

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