Value palette describing the colors of the scanner screens.


  • PartiallyConstructible
    • Palette


  • Parameters

    • Optional source: DeepPartial<Palette>

    Returns Palette


sbColorModalOverlay: string

Transparent color with a very high alpha value used to fill certain overlays.

Default Value

sbColorNegative: string

Color used to convey a negative meaning.

Default Value

sbColorOnPrimary: string

Color used for displaying elements on top of the primary color.

Default Value

sbColorOnSecondary: string

Color used for displaying elements on top of the secondary color.

Default Value

sbColorOnSurface: string

Color used on top of surfaces.

Default Value

sbColorOnSurfaceVariant: string

Alternative color used on top of surfaces.

Default Value

sbColorOutline: string

Color used for outlines.

Default Value

sbColorPositive: string

Color used to convey a positive meaning.

Default Value

sbColorPrimary: string

Primary color used for enabled elements.

Default Value

sbColorPrimaryDisabled: string

Primary color used for disabled elements.

Default Value

sbColorSecondary: string

Secondary color used for enabled elements.

Default Value

sbColorSecondaryDisabled: string

Secondary color used for disabled elements.

Default Value

sbColorSurface: string

Color used for surfaces.

Default Value

sbColorSurfaceHigh: string

Transparent color with a high alpha value used for certain surfaces.

Default Value

sbColorSurfaceLow: string

Transparent color with a low alpha value used for certain surfaces.

Default Value

sbColorWarning: string

Color used to convey warnings.

Default Value


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