Configuration of the list containing the barcodes that have already been scanned.


  • PartiallyConstructible
    • SheetContent


  • Parameters

    • Optional source: DeepPartial<SheetContent>

    Returns SheetContent


barcodeItemImageVisible: boolean

Visibility of the barcode image in a barcode list entry.

Default Value

barcodeItemSubtitle: StyledText

Configuration of the subtitle of a barcode list entry (displaying the barcode's symbology).

Default Value

new StyledText({
"color": "?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant"
barcodeItemTitle: StyledText

Configuration of the title of a barcode list entry (displaying the barcode's value).

Default Value

new StyledText({
"visible": true,
"text": "BARCODE_TITLE",
"color": "?sbColorOnSurface",
"useShadow": false
clearAllButton: ButtonConfiguration

Configuration of the button for clearing the barcode list.

Default Value

new ButtonConfiguration({
"visible": true,
"text": "Clear all",
"background": new BackgroundStyle({
"strokeColor": "#00000000",
"fillColor": "#00000000",
"strokeWidth": 1.0
"foreground": new ForegroundStyle({
"iconVisible": false,
"color": "?sbColorOnSurface",
"useShadow": false
dividerColor: string

The color of the dividers in the list sheet.

Default Value

manualCountChangeColor: string

Color of the buttons for manually changing the barcode count.

Default Value

manualCountChangeEnabled: boolean

Enables the user to change the number of scanned items by pressing +,-, or changing the number using a keyboard.

Default Value

manualCountOutlineColor: string

The color of the outline of the manual counting buttons in the list sheet.

Default Value

placeholderIcon: IconStyle

Configuration of the icon displayed in an empty barcode list.

Default Value

new IconStyle({
"visible": true,
"color": "?sbColorOnSurface"
placeholderIconBackground: string

Background color of the icon displayed in an empty barcode list.

Default Value

placeholderSubtitle: StyledText

Configuration of the subtitle displayed in an empty barcode list.

Default Value

new StyledText({
"text": "The barcode list is currently empty. Close this sheet and scan your items to add them.",
"color": "?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant"
placeholderTitle: StyledText

Configuration of the title displayed in an empty barcode list.

Default Value

new StyledText({
"text": "No barcodes here!",
"color": "?sbColorOnSurface"
sheetColor: string

Color of the list's background.

Default Value

startScanningButton: ButtonConfiguration

Configuration of the button to start scanning displayed in an empty barcode list.

Default Value

new ButtonConfiguration({
"visible": true,
"text": "Start scanning",
"background": new BackgroundStyle({
"strokeColor": "?sbColorPrimary",
"fillColor": "?sbColorPrimary",
"strokeWidth": 1.0
"foreground": new ForegroundStyle({
"iconVisible": true,
"color": "?sbColorOnPrimary",
"useShadow": false
submitButton: ButtonConfiguration

Configuration of the barcode list's submit button.

Default Value

new ButtonConfiguration({
"visible": true,
"text": "Submit",
"background": new BackgroundStyle({
"strokeColor": "#00000000",
"fillColor": "#00000000",
"strokeWidth": 1.0
"foreground": new ForegroundStyle({
"iconVisible": false,
"color": "?sbColorOnSurface",
"useShadow": false
swipeToDelete: SwipeToDelete

The style of the swipe-to-delete button.

Default Value

new SwipeToDelete({
"enabled": true,
"backgroundColor": "?sbColorNegative",
"iconColor": "?sbColorOnPrimary"
title: StyledText

Configuration of the barcode list's title. By default displays the total number of scanned barcodes.

Default Value

new StyledText({
"text": "%d items",
"color": "?sbColorOnSurface"

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