Type alias GS1Handling

GS1Handling: "NONE" | "PARSE" | "VALIDATE" | "DECODE"

GS1 message handling options. The GS1 standard defines a a key-value format for business-centric data that can be encoded into many 1D and 2D barcode types. https://ref.gs1.org/standards/genspecs/

GS1 messages have two representations or formats: a human-readable format and a machine-readable format. The human-readable format uses parentheses to wrap the keys in each pair. For example, the string "(01)012345678901(37)02(3922)00278" contains three AI keys: 01, 37, and 3922. The corresponding values are 012345678901, 02, and 00278.

The machine-readable format uses the special ASCII \x1D character to terminate key-value pairs in the string in cases where the given key implies that the value is variable-length. The equivalent machine-readable string for the above example is "010123456789013702\x1D392200278". In the above example, the 01 AI key is fixed-length, so the \x1D character is not necessary. The 37 AI keys is variable-length, so the \x1D character is necessary after the value in the pair. The 3922 AI key is also variable-length, but it is the last pair in the message, so the \x1D character is not necessary at the end.

The character \x1D is UNPRINTABLE - this means that if you try to print or otherwise visualize a GS1 message containing the \x1D character, you may see a number of different results, depending on how the system handles unprintable characters. You may see a question mark, a box, an escape sequence, a space or nothing at all.

NONE: The (FNC1) character is simply stripped from the result in barcodes that implement this mode. Do not use. Will be removed in a future release.

PARSE: This is the default. GS1 messages are converted to the machine-readable format per the GS1 spec (the special FNC1 character is converted to ASCII \x1D). The implied 01 AI key is prepended to DataBar results. No validation is performed.

VALIDATE: Same as PARSE. Additionally, messages containing unknown AI keys are not returned.

DECODE: Same as VALIDATE, except that GS1 strings are converted to the human-readable format, instead (with parentheses used to wrap AI keys, e.g. "(01)123456789"). The \x1D character is never used in this representation.

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