Gs1Handling: "NONE" | "PARSE" | "VALIDATE" | "DECODE"

GS1_COMPOSITE barcode type handling

  • NONE: No special handling for GS1-formatted results. Special (FNC1) characters are stripped.
  • PARSE: GS1 messages are converted to machine-readable format per the GS1 spec (the special character is converted to ASCII \x1D). Message is not validated. The implied 01 AI key is prepended to DataBar results.
  • VALIDATE: GS1 messages are converted to machine-readable format per the GS1 spec (the special character is converted to ASCII \x1D) and validated. The implied 01 AI key is prepended to DataBar results. Invalid messages are not returned.
  • DECODE: GS1 strings are converted to human-readable format and validated. The implied (01) AI key is prepended to DataBar results. Invalid messages are not returned.

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