
data class BarcodeItemConfiguration(var imageVisible: Boolean = true, var titleSelected: StyledText = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_TITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), var subtitleSelected: StyledText = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_SUBTITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), var titleDeselected: StyledText = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_TITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), var subtitleDeselected: StyledText = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_SUBTITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), var backgroundSelected: PolygonStyle = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 0.0, cornerRadius = 10.0 ), var backgroundDeselected: PolygonStyle = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 0.0, cornerRadius = 10.0 ))

Configuration of the barcode info box displayed in the camera preview.


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constructor(source: Map<String, Any?>)
constructor(json: JsonObject)
constructor(imageVisible: Boolean = true, titleSelected: StyledText = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_TITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), subtitleSelected: StyledText = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_SUBTITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), titleDeselected: StyledText = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_TITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), subtitleDeselected: StyledText = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_SUBTITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), backgroundSelected: PolygonStyle = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 0.0, cornerRadius = 10.0 ), backgroundDeselected: PolygonStyle = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 0.0, cornerRadius = 10.0 ))


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object Companion


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Appearance of the barcode info box's background when a barcode is yet to be selected.

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Appearance of the barcode info box's background when a barcode has been selected.

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Control the visibility of the barcode image in the info box. Default is true

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Configuration of the text displaying a barcode's symbology in the info box when the barcode is yet to be selected.

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Configuration of the text displaying a barcode's symbology in the info box when the barcode has been selected.

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Configuration of the text displaying a barcode's value in the info box when the barcode is yet to be selected.

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Configuration of the text displaying a barcode's value in the info box when the barcode has been selected.


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fun toJson(): JsonObject