Package-level declarations


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data class ArOverlayFindAndPickConfiguration(var visible: Boolean = false, var automaticSelectionEnabled: Boolean = true, var polygon: FindAndPickArOverlayPolygonConfiguration = FindAndPickArOverlayPolygonConfiguration( ), var badge: FindAndPickBadgeConfiguration = FindAndPickBadgeConfiguration( ))

Configuration of the AR overlay.

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data class ArOverlayGeneralConfiguration(var visible: Boolean = false, var counterBadge: BadgeStyle = BadgeStyle( background = BackgroundStyle( ), foregroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), var automaticSelectionEnabled: Boolean = false, var barcodeItemInfoPosition: BarcodeItemInfoPosition = BarcodeItemInfoPosition.BELOW, var polygon: ArOverlayPolygonConfiguration = ArOverlayPolygonConfiguration( visible = true, deselected = PolygonStyle( ), selected = PolygonStyle( ) ), var barcodeItemConfiguration: BarcodeItemConfiguration = BarcodeItemConfiguration( imageVisible = true, titleSelected = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_TITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), subtitleSelected = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_SUBTITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), titleDeselected = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_TITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), subtitleDeselected = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_SUBTITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), backgroundSelected = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0, cornerRadius = 5.0 ), backgroundDeselected = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0, cornerRadius = 5.0 ) ))

Configuration of the AR overlay displayed on top of barcodes in the camera preview.

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data class ArOverlayPolygonConfiguration(var visible: Boolean = true, var deselected: PolygonStyle = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 2.0, cornerRadius = 2.0 ), var selected: PolygonStyle = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 2.0, cornerRadius = 2.0 ))

Configuration of the overlay polygon displayed on top of a barcode in the camera preview.

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The customer format used in AUSTRALIA_POST codes. Only relevant for format codes 59 and 62.

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Type of barcode document format used.

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Barcode symbology used.

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data class BarcodeInfoMapping(var barcodeItemMapper: BarcodeItemMapper? = null, var sheetColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), var dividerColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOutline", isArgb = false), var modalOverlayColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorModalOverlay", isArgb = false), var loadingMessage: StyledText = StyledText( text = "Loading message for barcode info mapping.", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false) ), var errorState: BarcodeItemErrorState = BarcodeItemErrorState( ))

Configuration of the barcode data mapping.

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data class BarcodeItem(val type: BarcodeFormat?, val count: Int, val text: String, val textWithExtension: String, val parsedDocument: GenericDocument?)
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data class BarcodeItemConfiguration(var imageVisible: Boolean = true, var titleSelected: StyledText = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_TITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), var subtitleSelected: StyledText = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_SUBTITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), var titleDeselected: StyledText = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_TITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), var subtitleDeselected: StyledText = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_SUBTITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), var backgroundSelected: PolygonStyle = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 0.0, cornerRadius = 10.0 ), var backgroundDeselected: PolygonStyle = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 0.0, cornerRadius = 10.0 ))

Configuration of the barcode info box displayed in the camera preview.

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data class BarcodeItemErrorState(var title: StyledText = StyledText( text = "Connection Error!", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), var subtitle: StyledText = StyledText( text = "There was an issue and the data requested was not fetched. You could try again or discard this result to start a new scan.", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), var retryButton: ButtonConfiguration = ButtonConfiguration( ), var cancelButton: ButtonConfiguration = ButtonConfiguration( ))

Configuration of the the mapper's error dialog.

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Where to display the barcode info box in the camera preview.

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data class BarcodeMappedData(var title: String, var subtitle: String, var barcodeImage: String)

Format of the mapped barcode data.

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data class BarcodeRecognizerConfiguration(var acceptedDocumentFormats: List<BarcodeDocumentFormat> = listOf( ), var barcodesExtensionFilter: BarcodesExtensionFilter = BarcodesExtensionFilter.NO_FILTER, var barcodesRegexFilter: String = "", var minimumTextLength: Int = 0, var maximumTextLength: Int = 0, var minimum1DBarcodesQuietZone: Int = 10, var stripCheckDigits: Boolean = false, var useIATA2OF5Checksum: Boolean = true, var useCode11Checksum: Boolean = true, var barcodeFormats: List<BarcodeFormat> = listOf( ), var msiPlesseyChecksumAlgorithm: MSIPlesseyChecksumAlgorithm = MSIPlesseyChecksumAlgorithm.MOD_10, var australiaPostCustomerFormat: AustraliaPostCustomerFormat = AustraliaPostCustomerFormat.ALPHA_NUMERIC, var lowPowerMode: Boolean = false, var gs1Handling: Gs1Handling = Gs1Handling.PARSE)

Configuration of the scanning behavior.

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data class BarcodeScannerConfiguration(val version: String = "1.0", val screen: String = "BarcodeScanner", var palette: Palette = Palette( sbColorPrimary = ScanbotColor("#C8193C", isArgb = false), sbColorPrimaryDisabled = ScanbotColor("#F5F5F5", isArgb = false), sbColorNegative = ScanbotColor("#FF3737", isArgb = false), sbColorPositive = ScanbotColor("#4EFFB4", isArgb = false), sbColorWarning = ScanbotColor("#FFCE5C", isArgb = false), sbColorSecondary = ScanbotColor("#FFEDEE", isArgb = false), sbColorSecondaryDisabled = ScanbotColor("#F5F5F5", isArgb = false), sbColorOnPrimary = ScanbotColor("#FFFFFF", isArgb = false), sbColorOnSecondary = ScanbotColor("#C8193C", isArgb = false), sbColorSurface = ScanbotColor("#FFFFFF", isArgb = false), sbColorOutline = ScanbotColor("#EFEFEF", isArgb = false), sbColorOnSurfaceVariant = ScanbotColor("#707070", isArgb = false), sbColorOnSurface = ScanbotColor("#000000", isArgb = false), sbColorSurfaceLow = ScanbotColor("#00000026", isArgb = false), sbColorSurfaceHigh = ScanbotColor("#0000007A", isArgb = false), sbColorModalOverlay = ScanbotColor("#000000A3", isArgb = false) ), var localization: BarcodeTextLocalization = BarcodeTextLocalization( ), var backgroundColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurfaceLow", isArgb = false), var topBar: TopBarConfiguration = TopBarConfiguration( title = StyledText( text = "?topBarTitle", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false) ), mode = TopBarMode.SOLID, statusBarMode = StatusBarMode.LIGHT, backgroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), cancelButton = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?topBarCancelButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 0.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = true, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ) ), var actionBar: ActionBarConfiguration = ActionBarConfiguration( flashButton = RoundButton( visible = true, backgroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurfaceHigh", isArgb = false), foregroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false), activeBackgroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorWarning", isArgb = false), activeForegroundColor = ScanbotColor("#1C1B1F", isArgb = false) ), zoomButton = RoundButton( visible = true, backgroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurfaceHigh", isArgb = false), foregroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false), activeBackgroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurfaceHigh", isArgb = false), activeForegroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false) ), flipCameraButton = RoundButton( visible = true, backgroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurfaceHigh", isArgb = false), foregroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false), activeBackgroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurfaceHigh", isArgb = false), activeForegroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false) ) ), var viewFinder: ViewFinderConfiguration = ViewFinderConfiguration( visible = true, style = FinderCorneredStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 2.0, cornerRadius = 10.0 ), overlayColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurfaceLow", isArgb = false), aspectRatio = AspectRatio( width = 1.0, height = 1.0 ) ), var userGuidance: UserGuidanceConfiguration = UserGuidanceConfiguration( visible = true, title = StyledText( text = "?userGuidance", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false) ), background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurfaceLow", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 0.0 ) ), var cameraPermission: CameraPermissionScreen = CameraPermissionScreen( statusBarMode = StatusBarMode.DARK, background = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), iconBackground = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOutline", isArgb = false), icon = IconStyle( visible = true, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), enableCameraButton = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?cameraPermissionEnableCameraButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 0.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ), closeButton = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?cameraPermissionCloseButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 0.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ), enableCameraTitle = StyledText( text = "?cameraPermissionEnableCameraTitle", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), enableCameraExplanation = StyledText( text = "?cameraPermissionEnableCameraExplanation", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ) ), var cameraConfiguration: CameraConfiguration = CameraConfiguration( ), var recognizerConfiguration: BarcodeRecognizerConfiguration = BarcodeRecognizerConfiguration( ), var useCase: BarcodeUseCase = SingleScanningMode( ), var sound: Sound = Sound( successBeepEnabled = true, soundType = SoundType.MODERN_BEEP ), var vibration: Vibration = Vibration( enabled = true ), var timeouts: Timeouts = Timeouts( autoCancelTimeout = 0, initialScanDelay = 0 ))

Configuration of the barcode scanner screen.

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data class BarcodeScannerResult(var items: List<BarcodeItem> = listOf( ))

Results of the barcode scan.

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Filter for extended EAN and UPC barcodes.

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data class BarcodeTextLocalization(var cameraPermissionEnableCameraTitle: String = "Camera permission denied!", var cameraPermissionEnableCameraExplanation: String = "Please allow the usage of the camera to start the scanning process.", var cameraPermissionEnableCameraButton: String = "Grant permission", var cameraPermissionCloseButton: String = "Close", var topBarCancelButton: String = "Cancel", var topBarTitle: String = "Scan Item", var userGuidance: String = "Move the finder over a barcode", var barcodeInfoMappingLoadingMessage: String = "Loading details...", var barcodeInfoMappingErrorStateTitle: String = "Connection Error!", var barcodeInfoMappingErrorStateSubtitle: String = "There was an issue and the data requested was not fetched. You could try again or discard this result to start a new scan.", var barcodeInfoMappingErrorStateRetryButton: String = "Retry", var barcodeInfoMappingErrorStateCancelButton: String = "Cancel", var manualCountEditDialogTitle: String = "Update count", var manualCountEditDialogInfo: String = "Adjust the number of items you scanned.", var manualCountEditDialogUpdateButton: String = "Update", var manualCountEditDialogCancelButton: String = "Cancel", var sheetResetButton: String = "Reset", var sheetClearAllButton: String = "Clear all", var sheetSubmitButton: String = "Submit", var sheetStartScanningButton: String = "Start scanning", var sheetPlaceholderTitle: String = "No barcodes here!", var sheetPlaceholderSubtitle: String = "The barcode list is currently empty. Close this sheet and scan your items to add them.", var singleModeConfirmationCancelButton: String = "Close", var multipleModeSheetTitle: String = "%d items", var findAndPickSheetTitle: String = "%d/%d scanned", var findAndPickSheetBarcodeItemSubtitle: String = "%d/%d added", var findAndPickPartialAlertTitle: String = "Incomplete scan!", var findAndPickPartialAlertSubtitle: String = "Some codes are yet to be scanned. Proceed with submission anyway?", var findAndPickPartialAlertCancelButton: String = "Cancel", var findAndPickPartialAlertSubmitButton: String = "Yes, Submit", var findAndPickCompleteAlertTitle: String = "All codes found!", var findAndPickCompleteAlertSubtitle: String = "You have successfully scanned all codes. Proceed with submission?", var findAndPickCompleteAlertCancelButton: String = "Dismiss", var findAndPickCompleteAlertSubmitButton: String = "Submit")

Configuration of the all strings for barcode scanner.

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sealed class BarcodeUseCase

Configuration of the barcode scanner screen's behavior.

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Configuration of the barcodes result sheet's height while collapsed.

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data class ExpectedBarcode(var barcodeValue: String, var title: String?, var image: String?, var count: Int = 1)

Configuration of the barcode to find and scan.

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data class FindAndPickArOverlayPolygonConfiguration(var visible: Boolean = true, var partiallyScanned: PolygonStyle = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorWarning", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 3.0, cornerRadius = 5.0 ), var rejected: PolygonStyle = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 3.0, cornerRadius = 5.0 ), var completed: PolygonStyle = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 3.0, cornerRadius = 5.0 ))

Configuration of the overlay polygon displayed on top of a barcode in the camera preview.

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data class FindAndPickBadgeConfiguration(var partiallyScanned: BadgeStyle = BadgeStyle( visible = true, background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#FFFFFF30", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorWarning", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 0.0 ), foregroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), var rejected: BadgeStyle = BadgeStyle( visible = true, background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#FFFFFF30", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorNegative", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 0.0 ), foregroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), var completed: BadgeStyle = BadgeStyle( visible = true, background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#FFFFFF30", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 0.0 ), foregroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ))

Configuration of the round badge on find and pick ar layer.

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data class FindAndPickScanningMode(var scanningCompletedColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), var scanningPartiallyColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorWarning", isArgb = false), var scanningNotScannedColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOutline", isArgb = false), var allowPartialScan: Boolean = false, var expectedBarcodes: List<ExpectedBarcode> = listOf( ), var countingRepeatDelay: Int = 1000, var sheet: Sheet = Sheet( mode = SheetMode.COLLAPSED_SHEET, collapsedVisibleHeight = CollapsedVisibleHeight.SMALL, listButton = BadgedButton( badgeBackgroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), badgeForegroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), visible = true, backgroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurfaceHigh", isArgb = false), foregroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false), activeBackgroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurfaceHigh", isArgb = false), activeForegroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false) ) ), var sheetContent: SheetContent = SheetContent( sheetColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), dividerColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOutline", isArgb = false), manualCountChangeEnabled = true, manualCountOutlineColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOutline", isArgb = false), manualCountChangeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), title = StyledText( visible = true, text = "?findAndPickSheetTitle", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ), clearAllButton = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?sheetResetButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ), barcodeItemTitle = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_TITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), barcodeItemSubtitle = StyledText( text = "?findAndPickSheetBarcodeItemSubtitle", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), barcodeItemImageVisible = true, submitButton = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?sheetSubmitButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ), startScanningButton = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?sheetStartScanningButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ), placeholderTitle = StyledText( text = "?sheetPlaceholderTitle", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), placeholderSubtitle = StyledText( text = "?sheetPlaceholderSubtitle", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), placeholderIconBackground = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOutline", isArgb = false), placeholderIcon = IconStyle( visible = true, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), swipeToDelete = SwipeToDelete( enabled = false, backgroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorNegative", isArgb = false), iconColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false) ) ), var manualCountEditDialog: ManualCountEditDialog = ManualCountEditDialog( sheetColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), dividerColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOutline", isArgb = false), modalOverlayColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorModalOverlay", isArgb = false), title = StyledText( text = "?manualCountEditDialogTitle", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), info = StyledText( text = "?manualCountEditDialogInfo", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), updateButton = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?manualCountEditDialogUpdateButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ), cancelButton = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?manualCountEditDialogCancelButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ), clearTextButton = IconStyle( visible = true, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ) ), var arOverlay: ArOverlayFindAndPickConfiguration = ArOverlayFindAndPickConfiguration( visible = true, automaticSelectionEnabled = true, polygon = FindAndPickArOverlayPolygonConfiguration( partiallyScanned = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorWarning", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 3.0, cornerRadius = 5.0 ), rejected = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 3.0, cornerRadius = 5.0 ), completed = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 3.0, cornerRadius = 5.0 ) ), badge = FindAndPickBadgeConfiguration( partiallyScanned = BadgeStyle( visible = true, background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#000000FF", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorWarning", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 0.0 ), foregroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), rejected = BadgeStyle( visible = true, background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#000000FF", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 0.0 ), foregroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), completed = BadgeStyle( visible = true, background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#000000FF", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 0.0 ), foregroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ) ) ), var partialScannedAlertDialogEnabled: Boolean = true, var partialScannedAlertDialog: ScanbotAlertDialog = ScanbotAlertDialog( title = StyledText( text = "?findAndPickPartialAlertTitle", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), subtitle = StyledText( text = "?findAndPickPartialAlertSubtitle", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), sheetColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), modalOverlayColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorModalOverlay", isArgb = false), dividerColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOutline", isArgb = false), okButton = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?findAndPickPartialAlertSubmitButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = true, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ), cancelButton = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?findAndPickPartialAlertCancelButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ) ), var confirmationAlertDialogEnabled: Boolean = false, var confirmationAlertDialog: ScanbotAlertDialog = ScanbotAlertDialog( title = StyledText( text = "?findAndPickCompleteAlertTitle", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), subtitle = StyledText( text = "?findAndPickCompleteAlertSubtitle", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), sheetColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), modalOverlayColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorModalOverlay", isArgb = false), dividerColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOutline", isArgb = false), okButton = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?findAndPickCompleteAlertSubmitButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = true, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ), cancelButton = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?findAndPickCompleteAlertCancelButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ) )) : BarcodeUseCase

Configuration of the Find and Pick barcode scanning mode.

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GS1_COMPOSITE barcode type handling

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data class ManualCountEditDialog(var sheetColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), var dividerColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOutline", isArgb = false), var modalOverlayColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorModalOverlay", isArgb = false), var title: StyledText = StyledText( text = "Update count", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), var info: StyledText = StyledText( text = "Adjust the number of items you scanned.", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), var updateButton: ButtonConfiguration = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "Update", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ), var cancelButton: ButtonConfiguration = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "Cancel", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ), var clearTextButton: IconStyle = IconStyle( visible = true, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ))

Configuration of the dialog to manually edit the barcode count.

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Type of MSI plessey checksum algorithm used.

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Configuration of the mode used for scanning multiple barcodes.

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data class MultipleScanningMode(var countingRepeatDelay: Int = 1000, var mode: MultipleBarcodesScanningMode = MultipleBarcodesScanningMode.COUNTING, var sheet: Sheet = Sheet( mode = SheetMode.COLLAPSED_SHEET, collapsedVisibleHeight = CollapsedVisibleHeight.SMALL, listButton = BadgedButton( badgeBackgroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), badgeForegroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), visible = true, backgroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurfaceHigh", isArgb = false), foregroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false), activeBackgroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurfaceHigh", isArgb = false), activeForegroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false) ) ), var sheetContent: SheetContent = SheetContent( sheetColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), dividerColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOutline", isArgb = false), manualCountChangeEnabled = true, manualCountOutlineColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOutline", isArgb = false), manualCountChangeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), title = StyledText( text = "?multipleModeSheetTitle", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), clearAllButton = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?sheetClearAllButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ), barcodeItemTitle = StyledText( visible = true, text = "BARCODE_TITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ), barcodeItemSubtitle = StyledText( visible = true, text = "BARCODE_SUBTITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ), barcodeItemImageVisible = true, submitButton = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?sheetSubmitButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ), startScanningButton = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?sheetStartScanningButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ), placeholderTitle = StyledText( visible = true, text = "?sheetPlaceholderTitle", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ), placeholderSubtitle = StyledText( visible = true, text = "?sheetPlaceholderSubtitle", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ), placeholderIconBackground = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOutline", isArgb = false), placeholderIcon = IconStyle( visible = true, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), swipeToDelete = SwipeToDelete( enabled = true, backgroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorNegative", isArgb = false), iconColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false) ) ), var manualCountEditDialog: ManualCountEditDialog = ManualCountEditDialog( sheetColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), dividerColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOutline", isArgb = false), modalOverlayColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorModalOverlay", isArgb = false), title = StyledText( text = "?manualCountEditDialogTitle", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), info = StyledText( text = "?manualCountEditDialogInfo", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), updateButton = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?manualCountEditDialogUpdateButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ), cancelButton = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?manualCountEditDialogCancelButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ), clearTextButton = IconStyle( visible = true, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ) ), var barcodeInfoMapping: BarcodeInfoMapping = BarcodeInfoMapping( sheetColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), dividerColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOutline", isArgb = false), modalOverlayColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorModalOverlay", isArgb = false), loadingMessage = StyledText( text = "?barcodeInfoMappingLoadingMessage", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false) ), errorState = BarcodeItemErrorState( title = StyledText( text = "?barcodeInfoMappingErrorStateTitle", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), subtitle = StyledText( text = "?barcodeInfoMappingErrorStateSubtitle", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), retryButton = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?barcodeInfoMappingErrorStateRetryButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = true, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ), cancelButton = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?barcodeInfoMappingErrorStateCancelButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ) ) ), var arOverlay: ArOverlayGeneralConfiguration = ArOverlayGeneralConfiguration( visible = false, counterBadge = BadgeStyle( visible = true, background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#FF000000", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 0.0 ), foregroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), automaticSelectionEnabled = false, barcodeItemInfoPosition = BarcodeItemInfoPosition.BELOW, polygon = ArOverlayPolygonConfiguration( visible = true, deselected = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 3.0, cornerRadius = 5.0 ), selected = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 3.0, cornerRadius = 5.0 ) ), barcodeItemConfiguration = BarcodeItemConfiguration( imageVisible = true, titleSelected = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_TITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), subtitleSelected = StyledText( visible = true, text = "BARCODE_SUBTITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ), titleDeselected = StyledText( visible = true, text = "BARCODE_TITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ), subtitleDeselected = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_SUBTITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), backgroundSelected = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0, cornerRadius = 5.0 ), backgroundDeselected = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0, cornerRadius = 5.0 ) ) )) : BarcodeUseCase

Configuration of the mode for scanning multiple barcodes.

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data class Sheet(var mode: SheetMode = SheetMode.COLLAPSED_SHEET, var collapsedVisibleHeight: CollapsedVisibleHeight = CollapsedVisibleHeight.SMALL, var listButton: BadgedButton = BadgedButton( ))

Configuration of the preview mode for scanning multiple barcodes.

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data class SheetContent(var sheetColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), var dividerColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOutline", isArgb = false), var manualCountChangeEnabled: Boolean = true, var manualCountOutlineColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOutline", isArgb = false), var manualCountChangeColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), var title: StyledText = StyledText( text = "%d items", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), var clearAllButton: ButtonConfiguration = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "Clear all", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ), var barcodeItemTitle: StyledText = StyledText( visible = true, text = "BARCODE_TITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ), var barcodeItemSubtitle: StyledText = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_SUBTITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), var barcodeItemImageVisible: Boolean = true, var submitButton: ButtonConfiguration = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "Submit", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ), var startScanningButton: ButtonConfiguration = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "Start scanning", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = true, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ) ), var placeholderTitle: StyledText = StyledText( text = "No barcodes here!", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), var placeholderSubtitle: StyledText = StyledText( text = "The barcode list is currently empty. Close this sheet and scan your items to add them.", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), var placeholderIconBackground: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOutline", isArgb = false), var placeholderIcon: IconStyle = IconStyle( visible = true, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), var swipeToDelete: SwipeToDelete = SwipeToDelete( enabled = true, backgroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorNegative", isArgb = false), iconColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false) ))

Configuration of the list containing the barcodes that have already been scanned.

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Configuration of the barcode result sheet's default visibility state.

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data class SingleScanningMode(var confirmationSheetEnabled: Boolean = false, var barcodeImageVisible: Boolean = true, var sheetColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), var dividerColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOutline", isArgb = false), var modalOverlayColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorModalOverlay", isArgb = false), var barcodeTitle: StyledText = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_TITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), var barcodeSubtitle: StyledText = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_SUBTITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), var submitButton: ButtonConfiguration = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?sheetSubmitButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = true, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false) ) ), var cancelButton: ButtonConfiguration = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?singleModeConfirmationCancelButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false) ) ), var barcodeInfoMapping: BarcodeInfoMapping = BarcodeInfoMapping( sheetColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), dividerColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOutline", isArgb = false), modalOverlayColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorModalOverlay", isArgb = false), loadingMessage = StyledText( text = "?barcodeInfoMappingLoadingMessage", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false) ), errorState = BarcodeItemErrorState( title = StyledText( text = "?barcodeInfoMappingErrorStateTitle", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), subtitle = StyledText( text = "?barcodeInfoMappingErrorStateSubtitle", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), retryButton = ButtonConfiguration( visible = true, text = "?barcodeInfoMappingErrorStateRetryButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = true, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false) ) ), cancelButton = ButtonConfiguration( text = "?barcodeInfoMappingErrorStateCancelButton", background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0 ), foreground = ForegroundStyle( iconVisible = false, color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPrimary", isArgb = false) ) ) ) ), var arOverlay: ArOverlayGeneralConfiguration = ArOverlayGeneralConfiguration( visible = false, counterBadge = BadgeStyle( visible = true, background = BackgroundStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("#000000FF", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 0.0 ), foregroundColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), automaticSelectionEnabled = false, barcodeItemInfoPosition = BarcodeItemInfoPosition.BELOW, polygon = ArOverlayPolygonConfiguration( visible = true, deselected = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 3.0, cornerRadius = 5.0 ), selected = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("#00000000", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 3.0, cornerRadius = 5.0 ) ), barcodeItemConfiguration = BarcodeItemConfiguration( imageVisible = true, titleSelected = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_TITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), subtitleSelected = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_SUBTITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), titleDeselected = StyledText( text = "BARCODE_TITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), subtitleDeselected = StyledText( visible = true, text = "BARCODE_SUBTITLE", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false), useShadow = false ), backgroundSelected = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorPositive", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0, cornerRadius = 5.0 ), backgroundDeselected = PolygonStyle( strokeColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), fillColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorSurface", isArgb = false), strokeWidth = 1.0, cornerRadius = 5.0 ) ) )) : BarcodeUseCase
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data class SwipeToDelete(var enabled: Boolean = true, var backgroundColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorNegative", isArgb = false), var iconColor: ScanbotColor = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnPrimary", isArgb = false))

Configuration of the swipe-to-delete button.