
data class BarcodeItemErrorState(var title: StyledText = StyledText( text = "Connection Error!", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), var subtitle: StyledText = StyledText( text = "There was an issue and the data requested was not fetched. You could try again or discard this result to start a new scan.", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), var retryButton: ButtonConfiguration = ButtonConfiguration( ), var cancelButton: ButtonConfiguration = ButtonConfiguration( ))

Configuration of the the mapper's error dialog.


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constructor(source: Map<String, Any?>)
constructor(json: JsonObject)
constructor(title: StyledText = StyledText( text = "Connection Error!", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurface", isArgb = false) ), subtitle: StyledText = StyledText( text = "There was an issue and the data requested was not fetched. You could try again or discard this result to start a new scan.", color = ScanbotColor("?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant", isArgb = false) ), retryButton: ButtonConfiguration = ButtonConfiguration( ), cancelButton: ButtonConfiguration = ButtonConfiguration( ))


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object Companion


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Configuration of the cancel button.

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Configuration of the retry button.

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Error message.

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Title displayed above the error message.


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fun toJson(): JsonObject