Generic document


  • PartiallyConstructible
    • GenericDocument


  • Parameters

    • Optional source: {
          children?: ({ type?: { name?: string | undefined; fullName?: string | undefined; displayText?: string | null | undefined; normalizedName?: string | undefined; listIndex?: number | null | undefined; } | undefined; fields?: ({ ...; } | undefined)[] | undefined; children?: (... | undefined)[] | undefined; confidence?: number | und...)[];
          confidence?: number;
          confidenceWeight?: number;
          fields?: (undefined | {
              type?: {
                  commonType?: null | CommonFieldType;
                  fullName?: string;
                  listIndex?: null | number;
                  name?: string;
                  normalizedName?: string;
              validationStatus?: null | ValidationStatus;
              value?: null | {
                  confidence?: number;
                  text?: string;
          type?: {
              displayText?: null | string;
              fullName?: string;
              listIndex?: null | number;
              name?: string;
              normalizedName?: string;
      • Optional children?: ({ type?: { name?: string | undefined; fullName?: string | undefined; displayText?: string | null | undefined; normalizedName?: string | undefined; listIndex?: number | null | undefined; } | undefined; fields?: ({ ...; } | undefined)[] | undefined; children?: (... | undefined)[] | undefined; confidence?: number | und...)[]

        List of document sub-documents

      • Optional confidence?: number

        The average confidence in the accuracy of the document recognition result Default is 0

      • Optional confidenceWeight?: number

        The weight of the confidence. Can be used to calculate the weighted average confidence of two documents. Default is 0

      • Optional fields?: (undefined | {
            type?: {
                commonType?: null | CommonFieldType;
                fullName?: string;
                listIndex?: null | number;
                name?: string;
                normalizedName?: string;
            validationStatus?: null | ValidationStatus;
            value?: null | {
                confidence?: number;
                text?: string;

        List of document fields

      • Optional type?: {
            displayText?: null | string;
            fullName?: string;
            listIndex?: null | number;
            name?: string;
            normalizedName?: string;

        Document type

        • Optional displayText?: null | string

          The friendly, human-readable display name of this document type in English. iOS only.

        • Optional fullName?: string

          Unique global document type name prefixed with the document types of all containing documents

        • Optional listIndex?: null | number

          A document can contain multiple fields of the same name, the property serves for storing natural order of such fields, null if multiple entries aren't allowed for this field

        • Optional name?: string

          Local document type name

        • Optional normalizedName?: string

          Normalized global document type name. Common document types appearing as child documents in different places will often have the same normalized type name.

    Returns GenericDocument


children: GenericDocument[]

List of document sub-documents

confidence: number

The average confidence in the accuracy of the document recognition result Default is 0

confidenceWeight: number

The weight of the confidence. Can be used to calculate the weighted average confidence of two documents. Default is 0

fields: Field[]

List of document fields

Document type