- pagesFromPdf(java.io.File,java.lang.Float,android.graphics.Bitmap.Config,io.scanbot.sdk.util.LongOperationCancelCallback,io.scanbot.sdk.util.ProgressCallback) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.pdf.PdfiumPdfPagesExtractor
- pageSnapped(kotlin.ByteArray,java.lang.Integer) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.BarcodeCameraViewModel
- User have snapped an image
- pageSnapped(kotlin.ByteArray,java.lang.Integer) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.IBarcodeCameraView.ViewModel
- User have snapped an image
- Palette - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common
- Value palette describing the colors of the scanner screens.
- paletteColor(kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.theme.ScanbotThemeKt
- PAN - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.entity.Language
- PARSE - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.entity.Gs1Handling
GS1 messages are converted to machine-readable format per the GS1 spec (the special character is converted to ASCII
). Message is not validated. This is the default. The implied 01 AI key is prepended to DataBar results. Equivalent toassumeGS1=true
in ZXing for Code128 results.- PARSE - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonGs1HandlingMode
GS1 messages are converted to the machine-readable format per the GS1 spec (the special FNC1 character is converted to ASCII \x1D). The implied 01 AI key is prepended to DataBar results. No validation is performed.
- PARSE - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.configuration.Gs1Handling
GS1 messages are converted to the machine-readable format per the GS1 spec (the special FNC1 character is converted to ASCII \x1D). The implied 01 AI key is prepended to DataBar results. No validation is performed.
- parseDocument(java.lang.String) - function in io.scanbot.barcodescanner.BarcodeDocumentParser
- Parses the string into one of the supported document type or returns null if none of the supported document types was detected
- parseDocument(java.lang.String) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.document.BarcodeDocumentParser
- Parses the string into one of the supported document type or returns null if none of the supported document types was detected
- parseDocument(java.lang.String) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.document.DefaultBarcodeDocumentParser
- Parses the string into one of the supported document type or returns null if none of the supported document types was detected
- parseResult(java.lang.Integer,android.content.Intent) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.InternalBarcodeScannerActivity.InternalResultContract
- parseResult(java.lang.Integer,android.content.Intent) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.batch.InternalBatchBarcodeScannerActivity.InternalResultContract
- parseResult(java.lang.Integer,android.content.Intent) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.common.BaseBarcodeScannerActivity.InternalResultContract
- pathWithoutExtension(java.io.File) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.util.FileUtilsKt
- pause() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.BarcodeCameraViewModel
- PDF_417 - enum entry in io.scanbot.barcodescanner.model.BarcodeType
- PDF_417 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.entity.BarcodeFormat
PDF417 format.
- PDF_417 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonBarcodeFormat
PDF_417 barcode type
- PDF_417 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.configuration.BarcodeFormat
PDF417 barcode type
- PDF_FONT - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.blob.BlobType
- PdfImagesExtractor - class in io.scanbot.sdk.pdf
- Allows to extract image files from pdf files
- PdfImagesExtractor.Companion - class in io.scanbot.sdk.pdf.PdfImagesExtractor
- PdfImagesExtractor.Type - class in io.scanbot.sdk.pdf.PdfImagesExtractor
- The type of the PdfPagesExtractor.
- PdfImagesExtractorSettings - class in io.scanbot.sdk.pdf
- Represents PdfImagesExtractor settings
- pdfImagesExtractorType(io.scanbot.sdk.pdf.PdfImagesExtractor.Type) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDKInitializer
- Set Scanbot SDK to use the specified io.scanbot.sdk.pdf.PdfImagesExtractor.Type.
- PdfImportException - class in io.scanbot.sdk.exceptions.docprocessing
- Thrown when there is a problem with extracting images and pages from pdf file
- PDFIUM - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.pdf.PdfImagesExtractor.Type
- PdfiumPdfExtractorGradleDependencyException - class in io.scanbot.sdk.exceptions.docprocessing
- Thrown when there is no Scanbot SDK Pdfium gradle dependency found which is required to run the PdfImagesExtractor implementation based on Pdfium library
- PdfiumPdfImagesExtractor - class in io.scanbot.sdk.pdf
- Allows extract image files from the imported pdf files.
- PdfiumPdfPagesExtractor - class in io.scanbot.sdk.pdf
- Allows to import pdf files to Scanbot SDK as pages or extract image files.
- PdfiumSdk - class in io.scanbot.sdk.pdf
- PdfPasswordException - class in io.scanbot.sdk.pdf
- PENDING - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.IBarcodeCameraView.ViewModel.ConfirmationState
Confirmation dialog is currently showing. Preview paused.
- PerActivity - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.di
- A scoping annotation to permit objects whose lifetime should conform to the life of the Activity to be memorized in the correct component.
- PerComposable - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.di
- A scoping annotation to permit objects whose lifetime should conform to the life of the androidx.compose.runtime.
- performSingleShotDetection() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.BarcodeCounterFrameHandler
- Enable detector to one time detection on Frame.
- PermissionAware - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base
- Activity's permission delegate.
- PermissionAware.Companion - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.PermissionAware
- PermissionAwareDelegate - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base
- Implementation delegate for PermissionAware.
- PermissionEvents - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base
- Corresponding navigation events of the permission state handling
- PermissionEvents.RequestCameraPermission - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.PermissionEvents
- PermissionEvents.ShowCameraPermissionSetting - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.PermissionEvents
- PermissionViewModel - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base
- Photo - enum entry in io.scanbot.genericdocument.entity.CommonFieldType
Photo field
- PictureCallback - class in io.scanbot.sdk.camera
- Invoked when picture is taken
- PlaceholderBarcodeListCell(.<Error class: unknown class>,io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.configuration.SheetContent,java.lang.Boolean) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.components.BarcodeListCellKt
- PlaceOfIssue - enum entry in io.scanbot.genericdocument.entity.CommonFieldType
Place of issue for the identity card
- playBleepSound() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.util.snap.SoundController
- Attempt to play sound and vibrate, if enabled.
- playBleepSound() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.util.snap.SoundControllerImpl
- Attempt to play sound and vibrate, if enabled.
- playBleepSound() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.util.snap.StubSoundController
- Attempt to play sound and vibrate, if enabled.
- playSelf() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.camera.SnapFlashView
- PointFJson - class in io.scanbot.genericdocument.entity
- pointsToCoordinates(java.util.List) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.util.PolygonHelperKt
- POL - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.entity.Language
- PolygonHelper - class in io.scanbot.sdk.util
- Helper methods for Polygons.
- PolygonHelperKt - class in io.scanbot.sdk.util
- PolygonStyle - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common
- Configuration of the polygon appearance.
- polygonToLinePoints(java.util.List,kotlin.Array) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.util.view.PolygonViewHelper
- Calculates lines points from polygon multiplying 0..1 values by view dimensions and applying rotation matrix.
- polygonToPoints(java.util.List,kotlin.Array) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.util.view.PolygonViewHelper
- Calculates points from polygon multiplying 0..1 values by view dimensions and applying rotation matrix.
- PolygonViewHelper - class in io.scanbot.sdk.util.view
- Helper to make it easier to draw polygon on view
- PolygonViewHelper.Edge - class in io.scanbot.sdk.util.view.PolygonViewHelper
- Represents edge of polygon with near and far points as well as intersecting lines from other edges pointA handle pointB O========[0]=========O | ^ edgeLine ^ | | | |lineA | lineB | | | | O====================O pointFarA pointFarB
- PolygonViewHelper.Line - class in io.scanbot.sdk.util.view.PolygonViewHelper
- Representation of line Calculates line by two points and finds intersection points with other lines General line formula is a * x + b * y + c = 0
- PopupMenuItem - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common
- Configuration for the popup menu items.
- POR - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.entity.Language
- PORTRAIT - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonOrientationLockMode
Portrait screen orientations only
- PORTRAIT - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonPageDirection
Portrait page orientation.
- PORTRAIT - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.configuration.CameraOrientationMode
Portrait camera orientation lock mode.
- PORTRAIT - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.configuration.OrientationMode
Portrait screen orientation lock mode.
- PORTRAIT - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.OrientationLockMode
Lock the orientation to portrait.
- precompileGpuMlModels(kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDKInitializer
- Performs GPU ML models pre-compiling.
- precompilePrograms(java.lang.String) - function in io.scanbot.common.util.TensorFlowUtils.Companion
- Precompile GPU ML models.
- PreferencesConstants - class in io.scanbot.sdk
- Provides all preferences constants, extras keys
- prepareGson() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.GsonHelper
- Prepares a GSON object for the JSON string processing.
- prepareSearch() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.pdf.search.TextSearchContext
- prepareTensorFlow(java.lang.Boolean,java.lang.Boolean) - function in io.scanbot.common.util.TensorFlowUtils.Companion
- Prepares TensorFlow features and applies known restrictions on some devices.
- prepareTextInfo(java.lang.Integer) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.pdf.PdfiumSdk
- Prepare information about all characters in a page.
- prepareTextInfo(java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.pdf.PdfiumSdk
- Prepare information about all characters in a range of pages.
- PreviewBuffer - class in io.scanbot.sdk.camera
- Manages access to preview buffer of the Camera
- PreviewImageUtil - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.camera.util
- Util methods to process camera preview images
- PreviewMultipleModeLargeSheet() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.common.BarcodeScannerViewInternalKt
- PreviewMultipleModeSmallSheet() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.common.BarcodeScannerViewInternalKt
- PreviewSamsungFoldMultiple() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.common.BarcodeScannerViewInternalKt
- PreviewSamsungFoldMultipleSmallSheet() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.common.BarcodeScannerViewInternalKt
- PreviewSamsungFoldSingle() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.common.BarcodeScannerViewInternalKt
- PreviewSingleMode() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.common.BarcodeScannerViewInternalKt
- PreviewViewMeteringPointFactory - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.camera
- Implement the MeteringPointFactory for PreviewView by DisplayOrientedMeteringPointFactory.
- processFrame(io.scanbot.sdk.camera.FrameHandler.Frame) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.camera.FrameHandler
- Internal method that is used by the camera view to process frames.
- ProgressCallback - class in io.scanbot.sdk.util
- A callback that enables developers to monitor the progress of time-consuming operations, like page extraction from a PDF file.
- PROMINENT - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonBlurEffect
A blur style for making content more prominent that adapts to the user interface style.
- provideApplication() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDKComponent
- provideBarcodeFileStorage() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDKComponent
- provideCameraUiSettings() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDKComponent
- provideCameraUiSettings() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDKModule
- provideContext() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDKComponent
- provideFileIOProcessor() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDKComponent
- provideFileIOProcessor(android.app.Application) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDKModule
- provideImageFileIOProcessor() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDKComponent
- provideImageFileIOProcessor(io.scanbot.sdk.persistence.fileio.FileIOProcessor) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDKModule
- provideLayoutId() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.BaseBarcodeScannerActivity
- Will be overridden by descendants that define their own layout, but we need to call it in onCreate here.
- provideLayoutId() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.InternalBarcodeScannerActivity
- Will be overridden by descendants that define their own layout, but we need to call it in onCreate here.
- provideLayoutId() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.batch.InternalBatchBarcodeScannerActivity
- Will be overridden by descendants that define their own layout, but we need to call it in onCreate here.
- providePdfImagesExtractor() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDKComponent
- providePdfImagesExtractor(io.scanbot.sdk.persistence.fileio.FileIOProcessor,android.app.Application) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDKModule
- providesActivityManager() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.AndroidModule
- providesApplication() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.AndroidModule
- providesAssetManager() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.AndroidModule
- providesBarcodeFileStorage(android.app.Application) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDKModule
- providesContext() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.AndroidModule
- providesDownloadManager() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.AndroidModule
- providesPackageManager() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.AndroidModule
- providesResources() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.AndroidModule
- providesSapManager(android.app.Application) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDKModule
- providesSharedPreferences() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.di.AndroidModule
- Pseudonym - enum entry in io.scanbot.genericdocument.entity.CommonFieldType
Pseudonym field
- PURE_BINARIZED - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonImageFilterType
A filter for binarizing an image. Creates an 8-bit image with pixel values set to eiter 0 or 255. Usecase: Preparation for optical character recognition.
- PURE_GRAY - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonImageFilterType
Standard grayscale filter. Creates a grayscaled 8-bit image.
- PUS - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.entity.Language
- pushNewBarcodeScanningResult(io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.entity.BarcodeScanningResult) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.BarcodeScanningSession
- Notifies about event of barcode scanning
- pxToDp(android.content.Context,java.lang.Integer) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.utils.ThemeUtilsKt