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calculateLine(android.graphics.PointF,android.graphics.PointF) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.util.view.PolygonViewHelper.Line
Calculate all 3 components of the line
CAMERA_X - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.camera.ScanbotCameraContainerView.CameraType
CameraConfiguration - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common
Configuration of the camera settings to be used while scanning.
CameraConfigurationException - class in io.scanbot.sdk.exceptions.camera
Thrown when Camera configured with incorrect property values
CameraImageUtils - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.camera.util
Util methods to process Camera images
CameraModule - class in io.scanbot.sdk.camera
Represents all supported cameras.
CameraModule - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.batch.configuration.json.BatchBarcodeScannerParameter
CameraModule - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.configuration.json.BarcodeScannerParameter
CameraModule - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common
Determines which camera module to use on start-up.
CameraModule.Companion - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.CameraModule
CameraModuleClickAction - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.components
CameraOpenCallback - class in io.scanbot.sdk.camera
Called when camera is opened and ready for shooting
CameraOpenCallback.Companion - class in io.scanbot.sdk.camera.CameraOpenCallback
CameraOrientationMode - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.configuration
Represents supported camera orientation lock modes.
CameraOverlayColor - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.batch.configuration.json.BatchBarcodeScannerParameter
CameraOverlayColor - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.configuration.json.BarcodeScannerParameter
CameraParametersException - class in io.scanbot.sdk.exceptions.camera
Thrown when Camera parameters are invalid
cameraPermissionChanged() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.IPermissionViewModel
Camera permission was changed and we need to change ui state
cameraPermissionChanged() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.PermissionViewModel
Camera permission was changed and we need to change ui state
CameraPermissionScreen - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common
Configuration of the camera permission request view.
CameraPermissionViewKt - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.components
CameraPreviewMode - class in io.scanbot.sdk.camera
Represents IScanbotCameraView preview modes.
CameraPreviewMode - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.batch.configuration.json.BatchBarcodeScannerParameter
CameraPreviewMode - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.configuration.json.BarcodeScannerParameter
CameraPreviewMode - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common
Configuration of the camera preview mode.
CameraPreviewMode.Companion - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.CameraPreviewMode
CameraStateCallback - class in io.scanbot.sdk.camera
Notified about state of the camera
CameraTakePictureCallback - class in io.scanbot.sdk.camera
Notified about state of the take picture operation
CameraTransformationException - class in io.scanbot.sdk.exceptions.camera
Thrown when Camera unable to process transformations of preview, caused by incorrect init values
CameraUiSettings - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.camera
Holds global settings for Camera UI
CameraZoomFactor - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.batch.configuration.json.BatchBarcodeScannerParameter
CameraZoomFactor - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.configuration.json.BarcodeScannerParameter
CameraZoomRange - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.batch.configuration.json.BatchBarcodeScannerParameter
CameraZoomRange - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.configuration.json.BarcodeScannerParameter
cancel() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.camera.SnapFlashView
cancel() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.BaseActivity
Cancel this feature's scanning process.
cancel() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.BaseFragment
Cancel this feature's scanning process.
cancel() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.Cancelable
Cancel action or process.
cancel() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.NFBaseActivity
Cancel this feature's scanning process.
cancel() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.activity.BaseActivity
Cancel this feature's scanning process.
cancel() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.activity.Cancelable
Cancel action or process.
Cancelable - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base
Component can cancel itself or whatever it is that he is doing.
Cancelable - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.activity
Component can cancel itself or whatever it is that he is doing.
CancelButtonTitle - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.batch.configuration.json.BatchBarcodeScannerParameter
CancelButtonTitle - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.configuration.json.BarcodeScannerParameter
CanceledByUser - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.activity
CancelView - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.widget
Container view that handles usage of arrow icon button and text button for cancel event in toolbars
cancelWithInvalidLicense() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.BaseActivity
Cancel this feature's scanning process due to invalid license.
cancelWithInvalidLicense() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.BaseFragment
Cancel this feature's scanning process due to invalid license.
cancelWithInvalidLicense() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.Licensable
Cancel itself or whatever it is that this component is doing due to license being invalid.
cancelWithInvalidLicense() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.NFBaseActivity
Cancel this feature's scanning process due to invalid license.
cancelWithInvalidLicense() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.activity.BaseActivity
Cancel this feature's scanning process due to invalid license.
cancelWithInvalidLicense() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.activity.Licensable
Cancel itself or whatever it is that this component is doing due to license being invalid.
cancelWithNotInitialized() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.BaseActivity
Cancel this feature's scanning process due to SDK is not initialized.
cancelWithNotInitialized() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.Initializable
Cancel itself or whatever it is that this component is doing due to not initialized status.
cancelWithNotInitialized() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.NFBaseActivity
Cancel this feature's scanning process due to SDK is not initialized.
cancelWithNotInitialized() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.activity.BaseActivity
Cancel this feature's scanning process due to SDK is not initialized.
cancelWithNotInitialized() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.activity.Initializable
Cancel itself or whatever it is that this component is doing due to not initialized status.
CaptureCallback - class in io.scanbot.sdk.camera
Basic internal Camera picture callback interface
CAPTURED_IMAGE - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonBarcodeImageGenerationType

Generating barcode image from separately captured frame. Higher resolution, but might have a slight delay.

CAPTURED_IMAGE - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.configuration.BarcodeImageGenerationType

Generating barcode image from separately captured frame. Higher resolution, but might have a slight delay.

CaptureInfo - class in io.scanbot.sdk.camera
Contains information about the captured image
CaptureIntervalAutoSnappingPredicate - class in io.scanbot.sdk.camera.autosnapping
Determines how often consecutive snaps can be made.
CaptureMode - class in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.ui
Configuration class that defines on which data to run scan and count feature.
CapturePhotoQualityPrioritization - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.camera
The prioritization of still image quality and capturing speed.
CapturePhotoQualityPrioritization.Companion - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.camera.CapturePhotoQualityPrioritization
CardAccessNumber - enum entry in io.scanbot.genericdocument.entity.CommonFieldType

Card access number field

CAT - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.entity.Language
CEB - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.entity.Language
CES - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.entity.Language
check() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.interactor.ShakePauseController
CHECK_DIGIT_RECOGNITION_MODEL - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.blob.BlobType
CheckableFrameLayout - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.utils
FrameLayout that supports checkable state.
CheckableImageButton - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.utils
ImageButton that supports checkable state
CheckableImageView - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.utils
android.widget.ImageView that supports checkable state
checkCameraPermission() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.interactor.CheckCameraPermissionUseCase
CheckCameraPermissionUseCase - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.interactor
Checks camera permission
checkPermission() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.IPermissionViewModel
Check camera permission and change state accordingly
checkPermission() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.base.PermissionViewModel
Check camera permission and change state accordingly
checkPermission(.<Error class: unknown class>,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.camera.ScanbotComposeCameraKt
checkPolygonSize(java.util.List) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.util.view.PolygonViewHelper
checkState(kotlin.Unit) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.camera.autosnapping.CaptureIntervalAutoSnappingPredicate
Run this check.
checkState(T) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.camera.autosnapping.IAutoSnappingPredicate
Run this check.
checkState(kotlin.Unit) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.camera.autosnapping.ShakeAutoSnappingPredicate
Run this check.
CHI_SIM - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.entity.Language
CHI_TRA - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.entity.Language
childByDocumentType(java.lang.String) - function in io.scanbot.genericdocument.entity.GenericDocument
Returns a sub-document given its document type name.
childrenByDocumentType(java.lang.String) - function in io.scanbot.genericdocument.entity.GenericDocument
Returns all children given their document type name.
CHR - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.entity.Language
CLASSIC_BEEP - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.SoundType

The old, classic beep sound.

cleanup() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.camera.autosnapping.BaseAutoSnappingController
cleanupBarcodeImagesDirectory() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.persistence.BarcodeFileStorage
Cleans a directory with all stored barcode images stored
clearBarcodes() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.ui.BarcodePolygonsStaticView
ClearButtonTitle - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.batch.configuration.json.BatchBarcodeScannerParameter
clearClick() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.batch.BatchBarcodeListViewModel
User wants to clear the list of items.
clearClick() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.batch.IBatchBarcodeListView.ViewModel
User wants to clear the list of items.
clearCountedBarcodes() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.ui.IBarcodeScanCountViewController
Clear all barcodes from the scanning session
CLOCKWISE_180 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.core.ImageRotation

180 degrees rotation.

CLOCKWISE_90 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.core.ImageRotation

90 degrees clockwise rotation.

close() - function in io.scanbot.cryptio.AesGcmDecryptingInputStream
close() - function in io.scanbot.cryptio.AesGcmEncryptingOutputStream
closeCamera() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.ILegacyCameraController
Stop camera preview and free up the resourcesFor CameraX approach this call is redundant and may be skipped
closeDocument() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.pdf.PdfiumSdk
Release native resources and opened file
closeQuietly(android.database.Cursor) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.util.CursorUtil
Closes cursor if it is not null or is not closed already
CloseReason - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.activity
Reason why the scanning was closed.
CODABAR - enum entry in io.scanbot.barcodescanner.model.BarcodeType
CODABAR - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.entity.BarcodeFormat

CODABAR 1D format.

CODABAR - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonBarcodeFormat

CODABAR barcode type

CODABAR - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.configuration.BarcodeFormat

Codabar barcode type

CODE - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.ui.BarcodeOverlayTextFormat

Show barcode value with extention.

CODE - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonBarcodeDialogFormat

Show the barcode value only.

CODE - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonBarcodeOverlayTextFormat

Show barcode value with extention.

CODE - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.dialog.BarcodeDialogFormat

Show the barcode value only.

CODE_11 - enum entry in io.scanbot.barcodescanner.model.BarcodeType
CODE_11 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.entity.BarcodeFormat

Code 11 barcode type

CODE_11 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonBarcodeFormat

Code 11

CODE_11 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.configuration.BarcodeFormat

Code 11 barcode type

CODE_128 - enum entry in io.scanbot.barcodescanner.model.BarcodeType
CODE_128 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.entity.BarcodeFormat

Code 128 1D format.

CODE_128 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonBarcodeFormat

CODE_128 barcode type

CODE_128 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.configuration.BarcodeFormat

Code 128 barcode type

CODE_25 - enum entry in io.scanbot.barcodescanner.model.BarcodeType
CODE_25 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.entity.BarcodeFormat

Code 25 1D format.

CODE_25 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonBarcodeFormat

CODE_25 barcode type

CODE_25 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.configuration.BarcodeFormat

Code 25 barcode type

CODE_32 - enum entry in io.scanbot.barcodescanner.model.BarcodeType
CODE_32 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.entity.BarcodeFormat

Code 32 barcode type

CODE_32 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonBarcodeFormat

Code 32

CODE_32 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.configuration.BarcodeFormat

Code 32 barcode type

CODE_39 - enum entry in io.scanbot.barcodescanner.model.BarcodeType
CODE_39 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.entity.BarcodeFormat

Code 39 1D format.

CODE_39 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonBarcodeFormat

CODE_39 barcode type

CODE_39 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.configuration.BarcodeFormat

Code 39 barcode type

CODE_93 - enum entry in io.scanbot.barcodescanner.model.BarcodeType
CODE_93 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.entity.BarcodeFormat

Code 93 1D format.

CODE_93 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonBarcodeFormat

CODE_93 barcode type

CODE_93 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.configuration.BarcodeFormat

Code 93 barcode type

CODE_AND_TYPE - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.ui.BarcodeOverlayTextFormat

Show barcode value with barcode format.

CODE_AND_TYPE - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonBarcodeOverlayTextFormat

Show barcode value with barcode format.

CodecFailedException - class in io.scanbot.sdk.exceptions.camera
Exception for error during transcoding image.
CodecFailedException.FailureType - class in io.scanbot.sdk.exceptions.camera.CodecFailedException
collapse() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.components.BottomSheetState
Collapse the bottom sheet with animation and suspend until it if fully collapsed or animation has been cancelled.
Collapsed - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.components.BottomSheetValue

The bottom sheet is visible, but only showing its pick height.

COLLAPSED_SHEET - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.configuration.SheetMode

Result sheet is visible and collapsed and can be expanded by dragging it up.

CollapsedVisibleHeight - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.configuration
Configuration of the barcodes result sheet's height while collapsed.
CollapsedVisibleHeight.Companion - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.configuration.CollapsedVisibleHeight
COLOR - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonImageFilterType

Optimizes colors, contrast and brightness. Usecase: photos.

COLOR_DOCUMENT - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonImageFilterType

Fixes white-balance and cleans up the background. Usecase: images of paper documents.

colorOrPalette() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.ScanbotColor
COMM10 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonPageSize

COMM10 page size.

CommonExtensionsKt - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json
CommonFieldType - class in io.scanbot.genericdocument.entity
Common field types
CommonNavigationEvent - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.utils
Common navigation events for RTU UI screens
CommonNavigationEvent.Cancel - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.utils.CommonNavigationEvent
The process was canceled
CommonNavigationEvent.InvalidLicense - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.utils.CommonNavigationEvent
License is not valid or expired
compare(android.hardware.Camera.Size,android.hardware.Camera.Size) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.util.snap.Utils.AspectRatioComparator
ComposePreviewUtilsKt - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.utils
ComposeUtilsKt - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.utils
computeCropRectFromAspectRatio(android.util.Size,android.util.Rational) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.camera.util.CameraImageUtils
Calculates crop rect with the specified aspect ratio on the given size.
ConfigUtilsKt - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.components
ConfirmationDialogConfiguration - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.configuration.json.BarcodeScannerParameter
Confirmed - enum entry in io.scanbot.genericdocument.entity.ValidationStatus

Field value was confirmed

Constants - class in io.scanbot.sdk
Constants - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common
Constants.Ui - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.Constants
ConsumeSwipeWithinBottomSheetBoundsNestedScrollConnection(io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.components.SwipeableV2State,.<Error class: unknown class>) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.components.ScanbotScaffoldKt
Content() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.components.ArComposeView
continueScanning() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.ui.IBarcodeScanCountViewController
Prepare view to count next bach of the barcodes
continuousFocus() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.camera.ScanbotCameraView
Cancels auto-focus and performs continuous-focus.
continuousFocus() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.ICameraViewController
Cancels auto-focus and performs continuous-focus.
continuousFocus() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.camera.IScanbotCameraView
Cancels auto-focus and performs continuous-focus.
continuousFocus() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.camera.ScanbotCameraWrapper
Cancels auto-focus and performs continuous-focus.
continuousFocus() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.camera.ScanbotCameraXView
Cancels auto-focus and performs continuous-focus.
convertNV21ToBitmap(kotlin.ByteArray,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.camera.util.PreviewImageUtil
Converts the image byte array in NV21 format to Bitmap
convertPoint(java.lang.Float,java.lang.Float) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.camera.PreviewViewMeteringPointFactory
convertYUV420toNV21(.<Error class: unknown class>) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.camera.util.PreviewImageUtil
Converts the image in YUV_420_888 to NV21 format
convertYUV420toNV21Fast(.<Error class: unknown class>) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.camera.util.PreviewImageUtil
Converts the image in YUV_420_888 to NV21 format with shortcut to improve performance
coordinatesToPoints(java.util.List) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.util.PolygonHelperKt
copy(java.io.File,java.io.File) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.persistence.fileio.AESEncryptedFileIOProcessor
Creates a copy of the source file to the destination file with encryption if its enabled
copy(java.io.File,java.io.File) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.persistence.fileio.AesGcmEncryptedFileIoProcessor
Creates a copy of the source file to the destination file with encryption if its enabled
copy(java.io.File,java.io.File) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.persistence.fileio.BaseFileIOProcessor
Creates a copy of the source file to the destination file with encryption if its enabled
copy(java.io.File,java.io.File) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.persistence.fileio.DefaultFileIOProcessor
Creates a copy of the source file to the destination file with encryption if its enabled
copy(java.io.File,java.io.File) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.persistence.fileio.EncryptedFileIOProcessor
Creates a copy of the source file to the destination file with encryption if its enabled
copy(.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>,.<Error class: unknown class>) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.theme.ScanbotTypography
copyRaw(java.io.File,java.io.File) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.persistence.fileio.AESEncryptedFileIOProcessor
Creates a raw copy of the source file to the destination file without encryption if its enabled
copyRaw(java.io.File,java.io.File) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.persistence.fileio.AesGcmEncryptedFileIoProcessor
Creates a raw copy of the source file to the destination file without encryption if its enabled
copyRaw(java.io.File,java.io.File) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.persistence.fileio.BaseFileIOProcessor
Creates a raw copy of the source file to the destination file without encryption if its enabled
copyRaw(java.io.File,java.io.File) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.persistence.fileio.DefaultFileIOProcessor
Creates a raw copy of the source file to the destination file without encryption if its enabled
copyRaw(java.io.File,java.io.File) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.persistence.fileio.EncryptedFileIOProcessor
Decrypts encryptedSource file and creates unencrypted copy in the destination file.
copyToFileAndClose(java.io.InputStream,java.io.File) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.util.FileUtilsKt
countCharactersOnPage(java.lang.Integer) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.pdf.PdfiumSdk
COUNTERCLOCKWISE_90 - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.core.ImageRotation

90 degrees counterclockwise rotation.

COUNTING - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.configuration.MultipleBarcodesScanningMode

Scan barcodes even if they have the same value and count the number of repeated barcodes.

countResult() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.pdf.search.TextSearchContext
CountryCode - enum entry in io.scanbot.genericdocument.entity.CommonFieldType

Country code (ISO-3166 Alpha-3) field

countTextRect(java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.pdf.PdfiumSdk
Count number of rectangular areas occupied by a segment of texts.
createBarcodeDetector() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.BarcodeScanningSdk
Provides ScanbotBarcodeDetector.
createBarcodeDetector() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDK
Provides ScanbotBarcodeDetector.
createBarcodeDocumentParser() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.BarcodeScanningSdk
Provides BarcodeDocumentParser.
createBarcodeDocumentParser() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDK
Provides BarcodeDocumentParser.
createBarcodeFileStorage() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.BarcodeScanningSdk
Provides BarcodeFileStorage.
createBarcodeFileStorage() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDK
Provides BarcodeFileStorage.
createIntent(android.content.Context,io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.configuration.BarcodeScannerConfiguration) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.InternalBarcodeScannerActivity.InternalResultContract
createIntent(android.content.Context,io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.batch.configuration.BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.view.barcode.batch.InternalBatchBarcodeScannerActivity.InternalResultContract
createIntent(android.content.Context,io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.configuration.BarcodeScannerConfiguration) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.barcode.common.BaseBarcodeScannerActivity.InternalResultContract
createPdfImagesExtractor() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode_scanner.ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDK
Provides PdfImagesExtractor.
createView() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.ui.BarcodePolygonsStaticView.BarcodeItemViewFactory
Implement this method to create a view
createView() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.barcode.ui.BarcodePolygonsView.BarcodeItemViewFactory
Implement this method to create a view
cropByteArray(kotlin.ByteArray,android.graphics.Rect) - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.camera.util.CameraImageUtils
Crops byte array with given android.graphics.Rect.
currentSyncTimeMillis() - function in io.scanbot.sdk.ui_v2.common.utils.KotlinExtensionsKt
Proper and correct way to get current timestamp.
CursorUtil - class in io.scanbot.sdk.util
Helper class to work with Cursors
CUSTOM - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.configuration.json.JsonPageSize

Custom page size. From the Image.

CustomCameraLifecycleOwner - class in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.camera
Class represents overriding of activity lifecycle for the camerax and helps.
CWAC_CAMERA - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.ui.camera.ScanbotCameraContainerView.CameraType
CYM - enum entry in io.scanbot.sdk.entity.Language
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