Driver License Or ID Document

Hierarchy (view full)



addressCity addressJurisdictionCode addressPostalCode addressStreet1 addressStreet2 adultInformation aliasFamilyName aliasGivenName aliasMiddleName aliasPrefixName aliasSuffixName cardRevisionDate complianceType countryIdentification customerFamilyName customerFirstName customerGivenNames customerIdNumber customerMiddleName dateOfBirth document documentDiscriminator documentExpirationDate documentIssueDate driverAliasDateOfBirthField driverAliasFirstName driverAliasLastName driverAliasSocialSecurityNumber driverLastName driverLicenseClassificationCode driverLicenseEndorsementsCode driverLicenseName driverLicenseRestrictionCode driverNamePrefix driverNameSuffix driverPermitClassificationCode driverPermitEndorsementCode driverPermitIssueDate driverPermitRestrictionCode driverResidenceCity driverResidenceJurisdictionCode driverResidencePostalCode driverResidenceStreetAddress1 driverResidenceStreetAddress2 familyNameTruncation federalCommercialVehicleCodes firstNameTruncation hairColor hazmatEndorsementExpirationDate height inventoryControlNumber issueTimeStamp jurisdictionSpecificEndorsementCodeDescription jurisdictionSpecificEndorsementCodes jurisdictionSpecificRestrictionCodeDescription jurisdictionSpecificRestrictionCodes jurisdictionSpecificVehicleClass jurisdictionSpecificVehicleClassificationDescription limitedDurationDocumentIndicator middleNameTruncation nameSuffix nonResidentIndicator numberOfDuplicates organDonor organDonorIndicator permitExpirationDate permitIdentifier physicalDescriptionEyeColor physicalDescriptionHeight physicalDescriptionSex physicalDescriptionWeightRange placeOfBirth raceEthnicity socialSecurityNumber standardEndorsementCode standardRestrictionCode standardVehicleClassification under18Until under19Until under21Until uniqueCustomerIdentifier veteranIndicator weightKilograms weightPounds




  • get addressCity(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAI". City portion of the cardholder address.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get addressJurisdictionCode(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAJ". State portion of the cardholder address.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get addressPostalCode(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAK". Postal code portion of the cardholder address in the U.S. and Canada. If the trailing portion of the postal code in the U.S. is not known, zeros will be used to fill the trailing set of numbers up to nine (9) digits.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get addressStreet1(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAG". Street portion of the cardholder address.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get addressStreet2(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAH". Second line of street portion of the cardholder address.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get adultInformation(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DCJ". A string of letters and/or numbers that identifies when, where, and by whom a driver license/ID card was made. If audit information is not used on the card or the MRT, it must be included in the driver record.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get aliasFamilyName(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DBN". Other family name by which cardholder is known.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get aliasGivenName(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DBG". Other given name by which cardholder is known.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get aliasMiddleName(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DBQ". Other middle name by which cardholder is known.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get aliasPrefixName(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DBR". Other prefix by which cardholder is known.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get aliasSuffixName(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DBS". Other suffix by which cardholder is known.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get cardRevisionDate(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DDB". DHS required field that indicates date of the most recent version change or modification to the visible format of the DL/ID. The format is ISO8601 with delimiters.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get complianceType(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DDA". DHS required field that indicates compliance: "F" = compliant; and, "N" = non-compliant.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get countryIdentification(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DCG". Country in which DL/ID is issued. U.S. = USA, Canada = CAN.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get customerFamilyName(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DCS". Family name of the cardholder. (Family name is sometimes also called “last name” or “surname.”) Collect full name for record, print as many characters as possible on portrait side of DL/ID.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get customerFirstName(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAC". First name of the cardholder.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get customerGivenNames(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DCT". Given names of the cardholder. (Given names include all names other than the Family Name. This includes all those names sometimes also called “first” and “middle” names.)

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get customerIdNumber(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAQ". The number assigned or calculated by the issuing authority.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get customerMiddleName(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAD". Middle name(s) of the cardholder. In the case of multiple middle names they shall be separated by a comma “,”.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get dateOfBirth(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DBB". Date on which the cardholder was born. The format is ISO8601 with delimiters.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get documentDiscriminator(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DCF". Number must uniquely identify a particular document issued to that customer from others that may have been issued in the past. This number may serve multiple purposes of document discrimination, audit information number, and/or inventory control.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get documentExpirationDate(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DBA". Date on which the driving and identification privileges granted by the document are no longer valid. The format is ISO8601 with delimtiers.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get documentIssueDate(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DBD". Date on which the document was issued. The format is ISO8601 with delimiters.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get driverAliasDateOfBirthField(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DBL". Alternative dates given as date of birth.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get driverAliasFirstName(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DBP". Alternative fist name or given name of the individual holding the Driver License or ID. Hyphenated names acceptable, but no other use of special symbols.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get driverAliasLastName(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DBO". Alternative last name or surname of the individual holding the Driver License or ID. Hyphenated names acceptable, but no other use of special symbols.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get driverAliasSocialSecurityNumber(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DBM". DriverAliasSocialSecurityNumber

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get driverLastName(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAB". Last name or surname of the individual holding the Driver License or ID. Hyphenated names acceptable, but no other use of special symbols.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get driverLicenseClassificationCode(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAR". A=Class A; B=Class B; C=Class C (Class A, B and C are defined by Federal Highway regulations); M=Class M motorcycle as defined by AAMVA; others are defined by DL Classification Code Standards.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get driverLicenseEndorsementsCode(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAT". Any endorsements on a driver license which authorize the operation of specified types of vehicles or the operation of vehicles carrying specified loads. Endorsements shall be specific to classification of a driver license.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get driverLicenseName(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAA". Name of the individual holding the Driver License or ID as defined in ANSI D20 Data Dictionary. (Lastname@Firstname@MI@ suffix if any) (Machine, Mag Stripe uses ‘$' and Bar Code uses ‘,' in place of ‘@') Firstname, Middle Initial, Lastname (Human)

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get driverLicenseRestrictionCode(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAS". A restriction applicable to a driver license.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get driverNamePrefix(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAF". Prefix to Driver Name. Not defined in ANSI D20. Freeform as defined by issuing jurisdiction.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get driverNameSuffix(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAE". An affix occurring at the end of a word, e.g.; Sr., Jr., II, III, IV, etc.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get driverPermitClassificationCode(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "PAA". Identifies the type of permit as defined by ANSI D20.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get driverPermitEndorsementCode(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "PAF". Permit endorsements as defined by ANSI D20.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get driverPermitIssueDate(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "PAD". Date permit was issued. The format is ISO8601 with delimiters.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get driverPermitRestrictionCode(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "PAE". Permit restrictions as defined by ANSI D20.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get driverResidenceCity(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAN". Name of city for mailing address.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get driverResidenceJurisdictionCode(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAO". Jurisdiction code for mailing address. Conforms to Canadian, Mexican and US Jurisdictions as appropriate. Codes for provinces (Canada) and states (US and Mexico).

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get driverResidencePostalCode(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAP". Postal code of residence

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get driverResidenceStreetAddress1(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAL". Street address line 1 (mailing).

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get driverResidenceStreetAddress2(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAM". Street address line 2 (mailing).

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get familyNameTruncation(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DDE". A code that indicates whether a field has been truncated (T), has not been truncated (N), or – unknown whether truncated (U).

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get federalCommercialVehicleCodes(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DCH". Federal Commercial Vehicle Codes

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get firstNameTruncation(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DDF". A code that indicates whether a field has been truncated (T), has not been truncated (N), or – unknown whether truncated (U).

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get hairColor(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAZ". Color of cardholder's hair. ANSI D-20 codes converted to human readable format according to the ANSI D20 Data Dictionary.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get hazmatEndorsementExpirationDate(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DDC". Date on which the hazardous material endorsement granted by the document is no longer valid. The format is ISO8601 with delimiters.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get height(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAV". Height in centimeters

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get inventoryControlNumber(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DCK". A string of letters and/or numbers that is affixed to the raw materials (card stock, laminate, etc.) used in producing driver licenses and ID cards. (DHS recommended field).

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get issueTimeStamp(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DBE". A string used by some jurisdictions to validate the document against their data base.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get jurisdictionSpecificEndorsementCodeDescription(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DCQ". Text that explains the jurisdiction-specific code(s) that indicates additional driving privileges granted to the cardholder beyond the vehicle class.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get jurisdictionSpecificEndorsementCodes(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DCD". Jurisdiction-specific codes that represent additional privileges granted to the cardholder beyond the vehicle class (such as transportation of passengers, hazardous materials, operation of motorcycles, etc.).

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get jurisdictionSpecificRestrictionCodeDescription(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DCR". Text describing the jurisdiction-specific restriction code(s) that curtail driving privileges.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get jurisdictionSpecificRestrictionCodes(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DCB". Jurisdiction-specific codes that represent restrictions to driving privileges (such as airbrakes, automatic transmission, daylight only, etc.).

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get jurisdictionSpecificVehicleClass(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DCA". Jurisdiction-specific vehicle class / group code, designating the type of vehicle the cardholder has privilege to drive.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get jurisdictionSpecificVehicleClassificationDescription(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DCP". Text that explains the jurisdiction-specific code(s) for classifications of vehicles cardholder is authorized to drive.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get limitedDurationDocumentIndicator(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DDD". DHS required field that indicates that the cardholder has temporary lawful status = "1".

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get middleNameTruncation(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DDG". A code that indicates whether a field has been truncated (T), has not been truncated (N), or – unknown whether truncated (U).

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get nameSuffix(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DCU". Name Suffix (If jurisdiction participates in systems requiring name suffix (PDPS, CDLIS, etc.), the suffix must be collected and displayed on the DL/ID and in the MRT). Collect full name for record, print as many characters as possible on portrait side of DL/ID. JR (Junior), SR (Senior), 1ST or I (First), 2ND or II (Second), 3RD or III (Third), 4TH or IV (Fourth), 5TH or V (Fifth), 6TH or VI (Sixth), 7TH or VII (Seventh), 8TH or VIII (Eighth), 9TH or IX (Ninth).

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get nonResidentIndicator(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DBI". "Y"; Used by some jurisdictions to indicate holder of the document is a non-resident.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get numberOfDuplicates(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DBF". Number of duplicate cards issued for a license or ID if any.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get organDonor(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DBH". Organ Donor

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get organDonorIndicator(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DDK". Field that indicates that the cardholder is an organ donor = "1".

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get permitExpirationDate(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "PAB". Date permit expires, The format is ISO8601 with delimiters.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get permitIdentifier(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "PAC". Type of permit.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get physicalDescriptionEyeColor(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAY". Color of cardholder's eyes. ANSI D-20 codes converted to human readable format according to the ANSI D20 Data Dictionary.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get physicalDescriptionHeight(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAU". Height of cardholder. Inches (in): number of inches followed by " in" or Centimeters (cm): number of centimeters followed by " cm."

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get physicalDescriptionSex(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DBC". Gender of the cardholder. "Male" or "Female".

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get physicalDescriptionWeightRange(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DCE". Indicates the approximate weight range of the cardholder: 0 = up to 31 kg (up to 70 lbs), 1 = 32 – 45 kg (71 – 100 lbs), 2 = 46 - 59 kg (101 – 130 lbs), 3 = 60 - 70 kg (131 – 160 lbs), 4 = 71 - 86 kg (161 – 190 lbs), 5 = 87 - 100 kg (191 – 220 lbs), 6 = 101 - 113 kg (221 – 250 lbs), 7 = 114 - 127 kg (251 – 280 lbs), 8 = 128 – 145 kg (281 – 320 lbs), 9 = 146+ kg (321+ lbs).

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get placeOfBirth(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DCI". Country and municipality and/or state/province.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get raceEthnicity(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DCL". Codes for race or ethnicity of the cardholder. ANSI D-20 codes converted to human readable format according to the ANSI D20 Data Dictionary.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get socialSecurityNumber(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DBK". The number assigned to an individual by the Social Security Administration.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get standardEndorsementCode(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DCN". Standard endorsement code(s) for cardholder. See codes in D20. This data element is a placeholder for future efforts to standardize endorsement codes.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get standardRestrictionCode(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DCO". Standard restriction code(s) for cardholder. See codes in D20. This data element is a placeholder for future efforts to standardize restriction codes.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get standardVehicleClassification(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DCM". Standard vehicle classification code(s) for cardholder. This data element is a placeholder for future efforts to standardize vehicle classifications.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get under18Until(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DDH". Date on which the cardholder turns 18 years old. The format is ISO8601 with delimiters.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get under19Until(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DDI". Date on which the cardholder turns 19 years old. The format is ISO8601 with delimiters.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get under21Until(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DDJ". Date on which the cardholder turns 21 years old. The format is ISO8601 with delimiters.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get uniqueCustomerIdentifier(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DBJ". A number or alphanumeric string used by some jurisdictions to identify a "customer" across multiple data bases.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get veteranIndicator(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DDL". Field that indicates that the cardholder is a veteran = "1".

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get weightKilograms(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAX". Cardholder weight in kilograms Ex. 84 kg = "084"

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get weightPounds(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "DAW". Cardholder weight in pounds Ex. 185 lb = "185"

    Returns undefined | Field


  • Returns string