Configuration of the single barcode scanning mode.


  • PartiallyConstructible
    • SingleScanningMode



_type: "SingleScanningMode"

Configuration of the AR overlay.

barcodeImageVisible: boolean

If enabled, the barcode image will be shown on the confirmation sheet. Default is true

barcodeInfoMapping: BarcodeInfoMapping

Appearance of the barcode info mapping.

barcodeSubtitle: StyledText

Appearance of the barcode subtitle (the barcode's symbology) on the confirmation sheet.

barcodeTitle: StyledText

Appearance of the barcode title (the barcode's value) on the confirmation sheet.

cancelButton: ButtonConfiguration

Appearance of the cancel button on the confirmation sheet.

confirmationSheetEnabled: boolean

If enabled, the confirmation sheet will be shown after the barcode has been scanned. Default is false

dividerColor: string

Color of the divider and separator lines in the confirmation sheet. Default is "?sbColorOutline"

modalOverlayColor: string

Background color of the overlay surrounding the confirmation sheet. Default is "?sbColorModalOverlay"

sheetColor: string

Color of the confirmation sheet's background. Default is "?sbColorSurface"

submitButton: ButtonConfiguration

Appearance of the confirm button on the confirmation sheet.