Registrant And Vehicle Data. File type "IR".



  • get address(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "RBI". The first line of the registrant's residence address.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get baseJurisdictionRegisteredWeight(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "RAU". The declared base jurisdiction registration weight.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get carrierNameRegistrant(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "RBC". The name of the first registrant of a vehicle. Registrant's name may be a combined individual name or the name of a business

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get city(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "RBK". The registrant's residence city name.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get grossVehicleWeight(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "VAT". The unladen weight of the vehicle (e.g., single-unit truck, truck combination) plus the weight of the maximum load for which vehicle registration fees have been paid within a particular jurisdiction.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get jurisdiction(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "RBL". The state or province of the registrant's residence address.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get modelYear(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "VAL". The year which is assigned to a vehicle by the manufacturer. The format is YY.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get numberOfSeats(): undefined | Field
  • Data element IDs "RAP", "VBC". The seat capacity of a commercial vehicle designed for transportation of more than then passengers. The number of common axles of rotation of one or more wheels of a vehicle, whether power design or freely rotating.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get registrationDecalNumber(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "RAD". The number assigned to the registration decal in those jurisdictions that issue decals.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get registrationEnforcementDate(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "RAF". The registration enforcement date is the date that the current registration was enforced. This may or may not be the original registration date. The format is ISO8601 with delimiters

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get registrationExpirationDate(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "RAG". The date in which the registration expired. The format is ISO8601 with delimiters.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get registrationIssueDate(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "IFJ". The date in which the registration was issued. The format is ISO8601 with delimiters.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get registrationPlateNumber(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "RAM". The characters assigned to a registration plate or tag affixed to the vehicle, assigned by the jurisdiction.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get registrationYear(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "RBT". This field is the registration year assigned by the jurisdiction. The format is CCYY.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get typeOfVehicle(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "VBB". The type of vehicle operated for the transportation of persons or property in the furtherance of any commercial or industrial enterprise, for hire or not for hire. Not all states will use all values.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get unitNumber(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "IEG". A number, assigned by the registrant of the commercial vehicle or trailer, to identify the vehicle or trailer in the fleet. No two units in a fleet can have the same number. A.K.A vehicle unit number or owner's equipment number.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get vehicleIdentificationNumber(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "VAD". A unique combination of alphanumeric characters that identifies a specific vehicle or component. The VIN is affixed to the vehicle in specific locations and formulated by the manufacturer. State agencies under some controlled instances may assign a VIN to a vehicle.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get vehicleMake(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "VAK". The distinctive (coded) name applied to a group of vehicles by a manufacturer.

    Returns undefined | Field

  • get zipCode(): undefined | Field
  • Data element ID "RBM". The ZIP or Postal code of the resident address of the registrant.

    Returns undefined | Field


  • Returns string