The color with a very high alpha (transparency) value used to fill certain overlays. Default is "#000000A3"
The color used to convey a negative meaning. Default is "#FF3737"
The color used for displaying elements on top of the primary color. Default is "#FFFFFF"
The color used for displaying elements on top of the secondary color. Default is "#C8193C"
The color used on top of surfaces. Default is "#000000"
The alternative color used on top of surfaces. Default is "#707070"
The color used for outlines. Default is "#EFEFEF"
The color used to convey a positive meaning. Default is "#4EFFB4"
The primary color used for enabled elements. Default is "#C8193C"
The primary color used for disabled elements. Default is "#F5F5F5"
The secondary color used for enabled elements. Default is "#FFEDEE"
The secondary color used for disabled elements. Default is "#F5F5F5"
The color used for surfaces. Default is "#FFFFFF"
The color with a high alpha (transparency) value used for certain surfaces. Default is "#0000007A"
The color with a low alpha (transparency) value used for certain surfaces. Default is "#00000026"
The color used to convey warnings. Default is "#FFCE5C"
Value palette describing the colors of the scanner screens.