Configuration of the screen for scanning the pages with the camera.


  • PartiallyConstructible
    • CameraScreenConfiguration



Configuration of the acknowledgement screen.

backgroundColor: string

The background color of the camera screen. Default is "#000000FF"

bottomBar: CameraBottomBar

Configuration of the bottom bar for the camera screen.

Configuration of the camera behavior.

cameraPermission: CameraPermissionScreen

Configuration of the camera permission screen.

cancelAlertDialog: ScanbotAlertDialog

Configuration of the alert dialog displayed when the 'cancel' button is pressed.

captureFeedback: CaptureFeedback

Configuration of the feedback shown after snapping a page.

Configuration of the introduction screen.

limitReachedAlertDialog: ScanbotAlertDialog

Configuration of the alert dialog displayed when the scan limit is reached.

Configuration of the document contour detection polygon.

scanAssistanceOverlay: ScanAssistanceOverlay

Configuration of the scan assistance overlay.

timeouts: Timeouts

Configuration of timeouts.

topBarBackButton: ButtonConfiguration

Configuration of the 'cancel' button, located in the top bar.

topBarIntroButton: IconButton

Configuration of the 'introduction' button, located in the top bar.

topBarTitle: StyledText

Configuration of the title, located in the top bar.

topUserGuidance: UserGuidanceConfiguration

Configuration of the static user guidance, located just below the top bar.

Configuration of the hints guiding users through the scanning process.

vibration: Vibration

Configuration of the scan confirmation vibration.

Configuration of the viewfinder.