Configuration of the screen for cropping the scanned pages.


  • PartiallyConstructible
    • CroppingScreenConfiguration



backgroundColor: string

The background color of the cropping screen. Default is "?sbColorOutline"

Configuration of the bottom bar for the cropping screen.

croppingHandlerColor: string

The color of the cropping handles. Default is "?sbColorSurface"

croppingPolygonColor: string

The color of the cropping polygon. Default is "?sbColorSurface"

croppingPolygonMagneticLineColor: string

The color of the magnetic lines on the cropping polygon. Default is "?sbColorSurface"

topBarBackButton: ButtonConfiguration

Configuration of the 'cancel' button, located in the top bar.

topBarConfirmButton: ButtonConfiguration

Configuration of the 'confirm' button, located in the top bar.

topBarTitle: StyledText

Configuration of the title, located in the top bar.