Configuration of the screen for reviewing the scanned pages.


  • PartiallyConstructible
    • ReviewScreenConfiguration



backgroundColor: string

The background color of the review screen. Default is "?sbColorOnSurfaceVariant"

Configuration of the bottom bar for the review screen.

deleteAllPagesAlertDialog: ScanbotAlertDialog

Configuration of the alert dialog displayed when trying to delete all the pages.

deletePageAlertDialog: ScanbotAlertDialog

Configuration of the alert dialog displayed when trying to delete a single page.

enabled: boolean

Determines whether the review screen should be shown or not. If 'false', the review screen will be skipped and the scanned document will be returned immediately. Default is true

Configuration of the 'more' popup menu for the review screen.

Configuration of the page count label.

switchNextPageButton: IconButton

Configuration of the 'next page' button.

switchPreviousPageButton: IconButton

Configuration of the 'previous page' button.

topBarBackButton: ButtonConfiguration

Configuration of the 'back' button, located in the top bar.

topBarMoreButton: IconButton

Configuration of the 'more' button, located in the top bar.

topBarTitle: StyledText

Configuration of the title, located in the top bar.

zoomButton: RoundButton

Configuration of the 'zoom' button.

zoomOverlay: ZoomOverlay

Configuration of the zoom overlay for the review screen.