source: DeepPartial<CroppingTextLocalization>The accessibility hint for the 'detect document' button, located in the bottom bar of the cropping screen. Default is "Tap to detect document on the image"
The accessibility hint for the 'reset detection' button, located in the bottom bar of the cropping screen. Default is "Tap to reset document contour to whole image"
The accessibility hint for the 'rotate page' button, located in the bottom bar of the cropping screen. Default is "Tap to rotate document"
The accessibility hint for the 'cancel' button, located in the top bar of the cropping screen. Default is "Tap to close screen without applying changes"
The accessibility hint for the 'confirm' button, located in the top bar of the cropping screen. Default is "Tap to apply changes"
The cropping progress overlay title. Default is "Please wait..."
The 'detect document' button title, located in the bottom bar of the cropping screen. Default is "Detect"
The 'reset detection' button title, located in the bottom bar of the cropping screen. Default is "Reset"
The 'rotate page' button title, located in the bottom bar of the cropping screen. Default is "Rotate"
The cropping screen title, located in the top bar. Default is "Crop"
The 'cancel' button title, located in the top bar of the cropping screen. Default is "Cancel"
The 'confirm' button title, located in the top bar of the cropping screen. Default is "Done"
Configuration of all the strings for the standalone cropping screen.