Configuration of all the strings for the standalone cropping screen.


  • PartiallyConstructible
    • CroppingTextLocalization



accessibilityDescriptionCroppingDetectButton: string

The accessibility hint for the 'detect document' button, located in the bottom bar of the cropping screen. Default is "Tap to detect document on the image"

accessibilityDescriptionCroppingResetButton: string

The accessibility hint for the 'reset detection' button, located in the bottom bar of the cropping screen. Default is "Tap to reset document contour to whole image"

accessibilityDescriptionCroppingRotateButton: string

The accessibility hint for the 'rotate page' button, located in the bottom bar of the cropping screen. Default is "Tap to rotate document"

accessibilityDescriptionCroppingTopBarCancelButton: string

The accessibility hint for the 'cancel' button, located in the top bar of the cropping screen. Default is "Tap to close screen without applying changes"

accessibilityDescriptionCroppingTopBarConfirmButton: string

The accessibility hint for the 'confirm' button, located in the top bar of the cropping screen. Default is "Tap to apply changes"

cameraProgressOverlayTitle: string

The cropping progress overlay title. Default is "Please wait..."

croppingDetectButtonTitle: string

The 'detect document' button title, located in the bottom bar of the cropping screen. Default is "Detect"

croppingResetButtonTitle: string

The 'reset detection' button title, located in the bottom bar of the cropping screen. Default is "Reset"

croppingRotateButtonTitle: string

The 'rotate page' button title, located in the bottom bar of the cropping screen. Default is "Rotate"

croppingScreenTitle: string

The cropping screen title, located in the top bar. Default is "Crop"

croppingTopBarCancelButtonTitle: string

The 'cancel' button title, located in the top bar of the cropping screen. Default is "Cancel"

croppingTopBarConfirmButtonTitle: string

The 'confirm' button title, located in the top bar of the cropping screen. Default is "Done"