Interface DocumentScannerConfiguration

interface DocumentScannerConfiguration {
    acceptedAngleScore?: number;
    acceptedBrightnessThreshold?: number;
    acceptedSizeScore?: number;
    accessibilityConfiguration?: DocumentScannerAccessibilityConfiguration;
    autoSnappingButtonHidden?: boolean;
    autoSnappingButtonTitle?: string;
    autoSnappingDelay?: number;
    autoSnappingEnabled?: boolean;
    autoSnappingSensitivity?: number;
    bottomBarBackgroundColor?: string;
    bottomBarButtonsColor?: string;
    cameraBackgroundColor?: string;
    cameraModule?: CameraModule;
    cameraPreviewMode?: CameraPreviewMode;
    cameraUnavailableExplanationText?: string;
    cancelButtonHidden?: boolean;
    cancelButtonTitle?: string;
    defaultPageFilter?: ImageFilterType;
    detectorMode?: DocumentDetectorMode;
    documentImageSizeLimit?: Size;
    enableCameraButtonTitle?: string;
    enableCameraExplanationText?: string;
    flashButtonHidden?: boolean;
    flashButtonTitle?: string;
    flashEnabled?: boolean;
    forceUserGuidance?: boolean;
    ignoreBadAspectRatio?: boolean;
    imageScale?: number;
    maxNumberOfPages?: number;
    multiPageButtonHidden?: boolean;
    multiPageButtonTitle?: string;
    multiPageEnabled?: boolean;
    orientationLockMode?: OrientationLockMode;
    pageCounterButtonTitle?: string;
    photoQualityPrioritization?: CapturePhotoQualityPrioritization;
    polygonAutoSnapProgressColor?: string;
    polygonAutoSnapProgressEnabled?: boolean;
    polygonAutoSnapProgressLineWidth?: number;
    polygonBackgroundColor?: string;
    polygonBackgroundColorOK?: string;
    polygonColor?: string;
    polygonColorOK?: string;
    polygonCornerRadius?: number;
    polygonLineWidth?: number;
    preferredAspectRatios?: AspectRatio[];
    requiredAspectRatios?: AspectRatio[];
    shutterButtonAutoInnerColor?: string;
    shutterButtonAutoOuterColor?: string;
    shutterButtonHidden?: boolean;
    shutterButtonIndicatorColor?: string;
    shutterButtonManualInnerColor?: string;
    shutterButtonManualOuterColor?: string;
    stopsCameraSessionWhenDisappeared?: boolean;
    textHintBadAngles?: string;
    textHintBadAspectRatio?: string;
    textHintEnergySavingActive?: string;
    textHintNothingDetected?: string;
    textHintOK?: string;
    textHintOffCenter?: string;
    textHintTooDark?: string;
    textHintTooNoisy?: string;
    textHintTooSmall?: string;
    topBarBackgroundColor?: string;
    topBarButtonsActiveColor?: string;
    topBarButtonsInactiveColor?: string;
    touchToFocusEnabled?: boolean;
    useButtonsAllCaps?: boolean;
    userGuidanceBackgroundColor?: string;
    userGuidanceFontSize?: number;
    userGuidanceTextColor?: string;


acceptedAngleScore? acceptedBrightnessThreshold? acceptedSizeScore? accessibilityConfiguration? autoSnappingButtonHidden? autoSnappingButtonTitle? autoSnappingDelay? autoSnappingEnabled? autoSnappingSensitivity? bottomBarBackgroundColor? bottomBarButtonsColor? cameraBackgroundColor? cameraModule? cameraPreviewMode? cameraUnavailableExplanationText? cancelButtonHidden? cancelButtonTitle? defaultPageFilter? detectorMode? documentImageSizeLimit? enableCameraButtonTitle? enableCameraExplanationText? flashButtonHidden? flashButtonTitle? flashEnabled? forceUserGuidance? ignoreBadAspectRatio? imageScale? maxNumberOfPages? multiPageButtonHidden? multiPageButtonTitle? multiPageEnabled? orientationLockMode? pageCounterButtonTitle? photoQualityPrioritization? polygonAutoSnapProgressColor? polygonAutoSnapProgressEnabled? polygonAutoSnapProgressLineWidth? polygonBackgroundColor? polygonBackgroundColorOK? polygonColor? polygonColorOK? polygonCornerRadius? polygonLineWidth? preferredAspectRatios? requiredAspectRatios? shutterButtonAutoInnerColor? shutterButtonAutoOuterColor? shutterButtonHidden? shutterButtonIndicatorColor? shutterButtonManualInnerColor? shutterButtonManualOuterColor? stopsCameraSessionWhenDisappeared? textHintBadAngles? textHintBadAspectRatio? textHintEnergySavingActive? textHintNothingDetected? textHintOK? textHintOffCenter? textHintTooDark? textHintTooNoisy? textHintTooSmall? topBarBackgroundColor? topBarButtonsActiveColor? topBarButtonsInactiveColor? touchToFocusEnabled? useButtonsAllCaps? userGuidanceBackgroundColor? userGuidanceFontSize? userGuidanceTextColor?


acceptedAngleScore?: number

The minimum score in percent (0 - 100) of the perspective distortion to accept a detected document. Default is 75.0.

acceptedBrightnessThreshold?: number

The brightness threshold to accept a detected document in the range of 0 (very dark) to 255 (very bright). If the average brightness value of the detectors input image is below this value, the status of the detection will be set to ERROR_TOO_DARK.

acceptedSizeScore?: number

The minimum document width or height in percent (0 - 100) of the screen size to accept a detected document. Default is 80.0.

accessibilityConfiguration?: DocumentScannerAccessibilityConfiguration

Allows you to customize the accessibility configuration for the Document Scanner UI

autoSnappingButtonHidden?: boolean

Controls whether the auto-snapping toggle button is hidden or not.

autoSnappingButtonTitle?: string

Title of the auto-snapping toggle button.

autoSnappingDelay?: number

The minimum delay in seconds between two consecutive automatic image captures. iOS only.

autoSnappingEnabled?: boolean

When auto-snapping is enabled the document scanner will take a photo automatically when a document is detected, conditions are good and the auto-snapping time-out elapses. In this mode the user can still tap the shutter button to snap a document.

autoSnappingSensitivity?: number

Controls the auto-snapping speed. Sensitivity must be within the 0..1 range. A value of 1.0 triggers automatic capturing immediately, a value of 0.0 delays the automatic by 3 seconds. The default value is 0.66 (2 seconds)

bottomBarBackgroundColor?: string

The background color of the bottom shutter-bar.

bottomBarButtonsColor?: string

The color of the title of all buttons in the bottom shutter-bar (Cancel button, etc.), as well as the camera permission prompt button.

cameraBackgroundColor?: string

The color of the camera background (relevant only when the camera preview mode is CameraPreviewMode.FIT_IN).

cameraModule?: CameraModule

The preferred camera module (default - BACK)

cameraPreviewMode?: CameraPreviewMode

Preview mode of the camera. Fit-In or Fill-In.

cameraUnavailableExplanationText?: string

String being displayed on the label describing that the app is in split mode and needs to go fullscreen to work with camera. iOS only.

cancelButtonHidden?: boolean

Whether the cancel button is hidden or not. iOS only.

cancelButtonTitle?: string

Title of the cancel button.

defaultPageFilter?: ImageFilterType

The default image filter type for new documents pages. Defaults to ImageFilterTypeNone.

detectorMode?: DocumentDetectorMode

The mode of the document detector to be used for document outline detection. Defaults to ML_BASED. iOS only. For Android, use the Scanbot SDK initializer.

documentImageSizeLimit?: Size

Limits the maximum size of the document image. If width or height are zero, this property is effectively ignored.

enableCameraButtonTitle?: string

Title of the button that opens the screen where the user can allow the usage of the camera by the app.

enableCameraExplanationText?: string

Text that will be displayed when the app is not allowed to use the camera, prompting the user to enable the usage of the camera.

flashButtonHidden?: boolean

Controls whether the flash toggle button is hidden or not.

flashButtonTitle?: string

Title of the flash toggle button.

flashEnabled?: boolean

Controls whether the flash should be initially enabled. The default value is FALSE.

forceUserGuidance?: boolean

Shows the user guidance elements if autosnapping is disabled.

ignoreBadAspectRatio?: boolean

Sets whether to ignore the OK_BUT_BAD_ASPECT_RATIO detection status. By default BadAspectRatio is not ignored.

imageScale?: number

The image scaling factor. The factor must be within the 0..1 range. A factor of 1 means that the resulting images retain their original size. When the factor is less than 1, resulting images will be made smaller by that factor. By default the scale is 1.

maxNumberOfPages?: number

Maximum number of pages to scan. Ignored when set to null, or when multiPageEnabled is FALSE. Default value is null.

multiPageButtonHidden?: boolean

Controls whether the multi-page toggle button is hidden or not.

multiPageButtonTitle?: string

Title of the multi-page mode toggle button.

multiPageEnabled?: boolean

Controls multi-page mode. When enabled, the user can take multiple document photos before closing the screen by tapping the page counter button. When disabled, the screen will be closed immediately after the first document photo is made. The default value is FALSE.

orientationLockMode?: OrientationLockMode

UI Interface orientation lock mode

pageCounterButtonTitle?: string

Title suffix of the button that finishes the document scanning when multi-page scanning is enabled. The button's title has the format "# Pages", where '#' shows the number of images captured up to now and the suffix "Pages" is set using this method.

photoQualityPrioritization?: CapturePhotoQualityPrioritization

The prioritization of still image quality and capturing speed. Defaults to CapturePhotoQualityPrioritization.BALANCED. If you experience lots of blurry still images try to set this property to CapturePhotoQualityPrioritization.QUALITY. Note: Has no effect on devices prior to iOS 13.0!. iOS only.

polygonAutoSnapProgressColor?: string

Stroke color of polygon auto snap progress animation. Default is green. Can't be nil.

polygonAutoSnapProgressEnabled?: boolean

Whether polygon auto snap progress animation is enabled or not. Default is true.

polygonAutoSnapProgressLineWidth?: number

Line width of polygon auto snap progress animation. Default is 5.0.

polygonBackgroundColor?: string

The background color of the detected document outline when the document's angle, size or aspect ratio is not yet sufficiently good. (All net.doo.snap.lib.detector.DetectionResult with OK_BUT_XXX).

polygonBackgroundColorOK?: string

The background color of the detected document outline when we are ready to snap OK.

polygonColor?: string

The color of the detected document outline when the document's angle, size or aspect ratio is not yet sufficiently good. (All detection statuses in net.doo.snap.lib.detector.DetectionResult that have the OK_BUT_XXX prefix).

polygonColorOK?: string

The color of the detected document outline when we are ready to snap OK.

polygonCornerRadius?: number

The radius to use when drawing rounded corners of the polygon. Default is 8.0.

polygonLineWidth?: number

Width of the detected document outline.

preferredAspectRatios?: AspectRatio[]

An optional array of aspect ratios the documents may conform to.

requiredAspectRatios?: AspectRatio[]

An optional array of aspect ratios the documents have to conform to.

shutterButtonAutoInnerColor?: string

Whether polygon auto snap progress animation is enabled or not. Default is true.

shutterButtonAutoOuterColor?: string

The background color of the shutter button in auto-snapping mode.

shutterButtonHidden?: boolean

Hides the shutter button if set to TRUE. Shows it otherwise. Defaults to FALSE. If set to TRUE, auto-snapping is enabled and the property autoSnappingEnabled of the behaviour configuration will have no effect. Also the auto-snapping button will be hidden.

shutterButtonIndicatorColor?: string

The indicator color of the shutter button in auto-snapping mode. iOS only.

shutterButtonManualInnerColor?: string

The foreground color of the shutter button in manual mode.

shutterButtonManualOuterColor?: string

The background color of the shutter button in manual mode.

stopsCameraSessionWhenDisappeared?: boolean

The camera session will be stopped entirely, when the receiver disappears and restarts when the receiver reappears if set to True else will pause the delivery of video frames and QR Codes. Defaults to True. iOS only.

textHintBadAngles?: string

Text hint that will be shown when the current detection status is OK_BUT_BAD_ANGLES

textHintBadAspectRatio?: string

Text hint that will be shown when the current detection status is OK_BUT_BAD_ASPECT_RATIO

textHintEnergySavingActive?: string

The text being displayed on the user-guidance label, when the scanners energy saver is activated. iOS only.

textHintNothingDetected?: string

Text hint that will be shown when the current detection status is ERROR_NOTHING_DETECTED

textHintOK?: string

Text hint that will be shown when the current detection status is OK

textHintOffCenter?: string

The text being displayed on the user-guidance label, when a document was detected, but its center is too far away from the image center.

textHintTooDark?: string

Text hint that will be shown when the current detection status is ERROR_TOO_DARK

textHintTooNoisy?: string

Text hint that will be shown when the current detection status is ERROR_TOO_NOISY

textHintTooSmall?: string

Text hint that will be shown when the current detection status is OK_BUT_TOO_SMALL

topBarBackgroundColor?: string

The background color of the top toolbar.

topBarButtonsActiveColor?: string

The color of all active toggle buttons in the toolbar.

topBarButtonsInactiveColor?: string

The color of all inactive toggle buttons in the toolbar.

touchToFocusEnabled?: boolean

Whether touch-to-focus is enabled on camera preview. Enabled by default. Android only.

useButtonsAllCaps?: boolean

Controls whether buttons should use all capitals style, as defined by the Android Material Design. Defaults to TRUE. Android only.

userGuidanceBackgroundColor?: string

The background color of the user guidance hints.

userGuidanceFontSize?: number

Font size of the user guidance. Default is 17.0.

userGuidanceTextColor?: string

The text color of the user guidance hints.