Result of the document contour detection.




aspectRatio: number

Aspect ratio of the detected document contour

averageBrightness: number

Average brightness, calculated as the average of the Value channel in the HSV color space of:

  • the whole image, if no document was detected
  • the document crop, if a document was detected Ranges from 0 to 255.

Default Value

detectionScores: DocumentDetectionScores

The total and partial scores for the detected quad

horizontalLines: LineSegmentInt[]

All detected horizontal lines in image space

horizontalLinesNormalized: LineSegmentFloat[]

Normalized horizontal lines in image space

points: Point[]

Absolute coordinates of the detected document contour in image space sorted in clockwise order, starting from the top left corner

pointsNormalized: Point[]

Normalized coordinates of the detected document contour in image space sorted in clockwise order, starting from the top left corner

Detection status.

Default Value

verticalLines: LineSegmentInt[]

All detected vertical lines in image space

verticalLinesNormalized: LineSegmentFloat[]

Normalized vertical lines in image space

Generated using TypeDoc