Class AcknowledgementScreenConfiguration

Configuration of the acknowledgement screen.


  • PartiallyConstructible
    • AcknowledgementScreenConfiguration



acknowledgementMode: AcknowledgementMode

Determines, after each page is snapped, whether the acknowledgment screen should be displayed or not.

Default Value

backgroundColor: string

The background color of the acknowledgement screen.

Default Value


Configuration of the hint that explains that the quality of the scanned page is unacceptable.

Default Value

new IconUserGuidanceConfiguration({
"visible": true,
"icon": new IconStyle({
"color": "?sbColorOnPrimary"
"title": new StyledText({
"text": "?acknowledgementScreenBadDocumentHint",
"color": "?sbColorOnPrimary"
"background": new BackgroundStyle({
"strokeColor": "?sbColorNegative",
"fillColor": "?sbColorNegative",
"strokeWidth": 0.0

Configuration of the bottom bar for the acknowledgement screen.

Default Value

new AcknowledgementBottomBar({});
minimumQuality: DocumentQuality

The minimum quality of a scanned page to be deemed acceptable. Used in conjunction with the acknowledgement mode.

Default Value

topBarTitle: StyledText

Configuration of the title, located in the top bar.

Default Value

new StyledText({
"visible": false,
"text": "?acknowledgementTitle",
"color": "?sbColorOnPrimary"

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